Ask Lauren!

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Josh and I drove along in comfortable silence, but he finally broke it. "So I see you bought a lot of new things, but you didn't pay for it with my card. Care to explain?" "Uh yeah, I have my own money saved up. Are you disappointed that I didn't max out your credit card?" "No just curious. I honestly didn't even think about that when you moved out here." "I know money may not be an issue, but if I really need something I'll ask okay? Anyways so what is it we have to pick up today?" Josh laughed a little. "If you must know, we have to pick up some gifts for the guys that I ordered online. After that I thought maybe you and I could pick out some Christmas decorations for the house." I just nodded. Josh didn't lie, the rest of the day was spent going from store to store picking up things for his friends. When we were done with that, we made our way to Target to get a tree. We spent most of the rest of the day picking out cute ornaments, lights, and other stuff I thought would make the house more festive. The best part about it was a vlogged it. Mari has converted me, and my vlog game was so strong. Ha-ha. I'm starting to learn to laugh at myself. We went through check out which was really weird. The girl was obviously flirting with Josh, and he was completely blind. We went out of the store and to the car loading it all in the back seat, heading back home. Josh went through the drive-thru of a fast food place to get supper. When we pulled up, Wes and Flitz came out to help bring in all the decorations. They set it all down in the living room. I was so excited for decorating. "When we are done eating, can we put up all the decorations so I can vlog it?" Josh laughed at my excitement. Flitz opened his mouth to say something, but Wes beat him to. "Speaking of vlogs, we watched yours. Let's just say, you are lame. Your 'crazy night' made Joven look cool." I scoffed. "I am way cooler than this nerd. In my own defense, I'm not old enough to do anything too crazy." I fist bumped Josh, and Flitz scared us all by jumping towards Wes. "Do you need some cold water Wesley? Because OOH BURN!" I spat my drink out everywhere and we laughed until my sides started to hurt. I was so red in the face. "I will be in the living room if anyone needs me, I will be in the living room making a video. If you wanna join me, feel free to do so."

I walked in the living room with my camera trying to figure out how I was going to do this. After minutes of sitting there thinking, Wes interrupted my thoughts. "Hey, I figured you might need a tripod to do this, and maybe you wanted to use a better camera? Just a thought." "Oh thanks!" Wes helped me setup his tripod and camera. I'm really grateful for him being the tech savvy one. After it was all setup, I started the video. "Hey people! Happy Holidays! Welcome to a vlog! Today were are going to put up our Christmas tree. By 'we' I mean me, Wes, and Josh. Let's do this!" Wes and I started opening up boxes of the tree and setting it up. While do this all Wes struck up a conversation. "Are you dating Ian?" "What? No! Why would you ask something like that?" "I don't know. Maybe just his actions of jealously" "Ian is just a friend. I don't date. I never had." "So you've never been on a date? Or had a boyfriend?" "Nope. Just not my cup of orange juice. Most guys are douchebags." "I don't believe you. I can't believe that- Never mind." "I hate when people do that. What were you going to say Wes?" "It's nothing, don't worry about it." "If it was nothing you wouldn't have even said anything." "I just can't believe a pretty girl like you has never been asked out on a proper date."

Oh. Wes thought I was pretty? He had seen me first thing in the morning, I was not at all the slightest bit attractive. "Wes, Shut up. You are so full of shit." "Lauren, Can I ask you a question?" "Sure I guess this has turned into an 'AskLauren' so why the heck not." "Have you ever had your first kiss?" I continued putting the final limbs on the tree, avoiding the question. Wes mumbled something I couldn't hear. "What was that Wes?" "I said your hair looks nice" I rolled my eyes. Smart ass. "Yes, I have." "What?" "Yes I have had a first kiss. But I regret it." Wes continued unpacking decorations, avoiding eye contact. I was extremely thankful when Josh came in and started to put the lights on the tree. I set up a little Christmas village on the coffee table, while Wes was hanging garland around the door facings and window frames. About an hour later, all the decorations were hung and it was a drastic change from the usual plain walls. One thing that hadn't changed was Josh getting out his controller out and starting to play on the Xbox. I shook my head. What a nerd. "I'm going to take a shower." I excused myself from sitting in the awkward silence.

I went into my room grabbing some pj's before going in the bathroom and quickly showering. When I was done, I went back in my room to get my phone, but it wasn't there. I remembered I left on the coffee table. I walked in the living room seeing Josh gone and Wes sitting on the couch with his laptop still ignoring me. I grabbed my phone off the table and started to walk back to my room, but my phone let off a text tone as I made it near the doorway. 'Turn around.' I turned around to have Wes pick me up and press his lips to mine. And to tell you the truth, I didn't mind. I pushed into the kiss being a little shy not knowing what to do. I don't know how long it lasted, but it felt like time had stopped and I was stuck in this moment. When we finally pulled away, he pressed his forehead to mine looking into my eyes. I felt like he was staring into my soul. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." I kept staring at Wes. Wes. This was Wes. I stood there awkwardly before doing the most idiotic thing ever. "Well, good night." Really Lauren? When I made it to my room, I shut the door behind me and leaned back against it. I slid into the floor. Lauren, the loser. Let me face palm at how epically retarded I feel right now. I guess I could quote Joven on how I feel right now... 'Stupid Wes and his stupid body with muscles...'

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