Part Four - Steve

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Eddie's music wasn't like anything Steve had heard before. A little heavier, with bass that he could feel in his bones. The vocals were rough but good. He actually really enjoyed it.

He leaned back in Eddie's passenger seat, with his eyes almost closed. He just tried to enjoy the music, nothing else.

"Why have I never heard this before," He mumbled.
Eddie popped his head between the front seats. "It's not mainstream," he replied.
Steve laughed. "I know, I know."

The music beat through the speakers of the van.

"Do you want a copy of this mixtape?" Eddie asked.
"Why do you keep asking that? I wanna give you a copy, dude."
"I'd like that. Maybe I could learn some of these songs."
"You gotta learn the basics first, Harrington, don't jump the gun."
As the tape ended, Eddie took it out of the player. He scribbled something on its case with a sharpie, and handed it to Steve.
"You can keep it, I've got a couple."
"Thanks," Steve tucked the tape into his jacket pocket. "Is this you kicking me out?"
"Only if you wanna go," Eddie replied. He leaned against the side of the driver's seat, facing Steve. They were very close, and it took focus for Steve to steady his breathing, but his heart beat out of his chest.
"I don't, really," his voice was softer than he intended. "I'd rather chill with you than be at home with my dad."
"Yeah, fair enough." Eddie leaned his head against the seat, mindlessly flicking a Zippo open and closed. The rhythmic clicks of the lighter became the only sound in the van.
Steve adjusted slightly, putting himself as far from Eddie as possible without being awkward. He didn't want to seem like he was trying too hard, to be too close to Eddie. Then he would figure it out.
Using the clicking of the lighter as a beat, Eddie started to hum a melody quietly. So quiet that Steve almost didn't hear it.

"What's that one?" He asked.
"What one?"
"The song you're humming. What is it?"
"Nothing, just something I've been working on. It's really nothing."
"Wait, you're embarrassed about writing music," Steve pointed out.
"I'm in a band, Harrington. This just isn't ready to show anyone."
"Oh. Right. Something Coffin, right?"
"Corroded," Eddie corrected. "We are the stars of Hawkins, Indiana." He grinned, "If you wanna call anyone from Hawkins a star."
"Next time you play, I'll come listen," Steve offered. "It's the least I could do."
"I will let you know when we get another gig."

Steve watched Eddie without realising. He truly fit the punk style, with his rings and tattoos. His layered jackets, and his Hellfire shirt. His legs sprawled behind Steve's seat, out of his view.

He caught himself staring and forced himself to look back out the windshield. "Thank you."
"What was that?" Eddie looked up at him.
"I said thank you. For teaching me guitar, and the weed, and not telling Robin I was lying."
"Oh, yeah, no problem," Eddie smiled, but he seemed distracted, as if he wasn't fully here.
"You alright, man?"
"I'm good, sorry. Sometimes I just zone out and it's hard to get my head back, you know?"
"I can leave if you need space," Steve offered.
"Please don't," Eddie's voice turned soft and small, something Steve had never heard from him before. It caught him off guard.
"What?" He clarified.
"I don't want you to go. You make things normal. I don't feel crazy when you're here."
"Um," Steve hesitated. He didn't have the words to respond properly. "You don't seem crazy to me."
"My point exactly," Eddie smiled, softer than his usual toothy grin. "Everyone thinks of me as the guy who killed Chrissy, or 'The Freak'. Whatever. But it gets tiring. Plus, you aren't an asshole about any of it."
"Well I know things. And honestly, I used to think you were a freak. Before I knew Johnathan, I hated anyone different," Steve admitted. "I never realised-" He cut himself off from spilling his guts. Eddie could never find out.
"Realised what?" Eddie asked, leaning forward, closer to Steve.
"Never realised how nice it was to be different."
Eddie nodded. "I have never had to worry about stupid shit like being popular."
They grew quiet for a minute or two.
"Johnathan kicked my ass," Steve chuckled.
"He did?"
Steve nodded. "I deserved it, too. Broke his camera, so he beat the shit out of me."
"Fuck, man," Eddie laughed a little.
"I forgave him, of course."
"Oh, of course," he repeated.
"He still got Nancy, but I don't mind too much."
"Right, they're cute though."
"Yeah," Steve agreed. He leaned forward in his seat, resting his head on the dashboard. "You sure you want me to stay?"
"I'm sure, Harrington. I like your company."

They talked for a couple of hours, listening to music intermittently. Steve tried to ignore any of the feelings that burned in his chest. His hands sweat, being so close to Eddie made his heart race and mind race faster.
He was beating back the daydreams, forcing himself to remember that Eddie never liked him. Only as a friend.

As the sun's rays sunk behind the trees, Steve found his eyes felt heavy. His vision blurred, and his mind slowed.
The last thing he saw before sleep overtook him was Eddie drawing a thin blanket over him.

Steve woke up to the cold. His breath billowed out in front of him, as if he was smoking again. He was curled in Eddie's passenger seat. The blanket that rested around him was rough and burgundy. It was itchy, but it kept the cold out well enough. It took him a couple of seconds to fully realise that he was in Eddie's van, and Eddie was asleep behind where he sat.

He sat up, and checked his watch. 6:37. God it was early. He struggled to get comfortable again, and ended sitting up, watching the forest in front of him.

After a couple of minutes, he turned, and leaned over the seat, to see how Eddie was doing.
He laid on his mattress, with his jackets over his upper body like a makeshift blanket.
It dawned on him that Eddie gave Steve his only blanket, rather than wake Steve up. He couldn't help but smile.

Eddie's messy hair covered most of his face and his neck, and he was curled up to keep himself warm. Steve did his best to cover Eddie with the red blanket, but the angle was uncomfortable, so he missed most of his legs.
In his sleep, Eddie pulled the blanket towards him, shifting underneath it. His body relaxed slightly.
Steve contemplated turning the van on, and maybe the heater to warm up Eddie, but he didn't want to wake him. He couldn't find the keys, either, so he let him sleep.

He remained in the van to ensure that Eddie woke on his own terms. The van was quiet, but he didn't mind, at all. He let his mind wander.

Every time Eddie stirred, Steve froze, holding his breath. But the van would return to silence, and Eddie remained asleep.

Around 7:00, a few cars began to pull into the school's driveway, and Steve realised that it was now Monday.

And at 7:13, Eddie sat up. Steve kept still, unsure if he was going to fall back to sleep.

"You're still here?" He asked groggily.
"Yeah," Steve replied. "I didn't want to wake you."
"You could have left whenever you wanted, I wouldn't have minded," but a sleepy smile lingered on his face. His eyes were droopy, and red from sleep. His messy hair poorly framed his face. 

"Maybe not," Steve admitted. He held eye contact for just a second before glancing away. "You graduated last year, right?"

"Um..." Eddie yawned. "I think I did, on paper. But because of Vecna, there was never a ceremony or anything. I wanted to tell Principle what's-his-face to fuck off in front of the whole school." He leaned back, against the cold wall of the van.

"I would've loved to see the look on his face," Steve laughed.
"Motherfucker deserves it."
"No, definitely. He made my life hell, even as the 'King'."
"Worst principle. Ever." Eddie grinned

Steve liked the wild nature of him, and how evident it was in his smile. His curly hair, callused fingers, the day-old eyeliner that smudged beneath his eyes.

"Something wrong, Harrington?" Eddie asked, startling Steve from his thoughts.
"No, not at all. Just cold, I think. Cold and tired. The one good thing about being a prissy rich kid is the bed."
"God, I'd assume so."
"Look, man. If you need a place to crash, we have a spare room that's a lot warmer than the van. My dad would be livid, but I could sneak you in."
"It's okay, man, I can fend for myself."
"I know you can. But you are going to need some real rest eventually."
"Really, Steve. I appreciate it, but I can last in the van longer than you'd think." Eddie's smile faltered a little.
"Alright well, the offer will be out there for as long as you need." 

His mind raced, and he prayed he hadn't overstepped.  The worry gripped his chest, forcing him to sit in silence.

"I, uh, I'm gonna head inside." Eddie said. "I need to take care of things, you know? Shower. You can stay here if you'd like."
"I should head home," Steve admitted. "I enjoyed spending time with you, though."
"Me too, Harrington. You are pretty cool," Eddie opened the back door to the van and slowly stood up. The red blanket hung from his shoulders like a cape.

Steve climbed into his car, and watched Eddie walk into the school in his rear-view mirror, and once the doors closed behind him, he pulled out of the school.

When The Sun Rises - Steve Harrington x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now