Part Eighteen - Steve

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Steve stood in front of the mirror in the motel, washing the blood off his face. Pain radiated from the centre of his face, but he ignored it. The blood on his hands had begun too dry, but the sink's warm water melted it off his skin. The water ran red as he cleaned himself up. His nose was crooked, a cut spanning over the bridge.
He tried to push it back into place, but his face exploded in pain. He cried out and grasped his face. Steve's breath sped up as he tried to push the pain down.

Eventually his face was clean again, and he went back to the main room. Eddie was sitting cross-legged on the floor, Steve's blood still smeared across his face. He leaned his head back against the bed, his eyes, dark with bags, were almost fully closed. He looked up as Steve entered the room.

"All done?" he said tiredly.

He nodded, sitting on the bed next to him. Eddie leaned his head against Steve's thigh. His hand naturally nestled into his hair.

"Do you want to go wash off?" He asked.

"Mm. I should," but he didn't move.

Steve mindlessly played with his hair for a couple of minutes.

"How's your nose?" he asked after a while.

"It's good," he smiled down at him. "Doesn't hurt so much when you're here."

"You dork," but Eddie was smiling into his leg.

"Yeah, I know," he laughed back. He traced his finger along the edge of the blood on Eddie's cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he murmured sleepily, "but these last few days have been hard."

"I know, Eds." His hand travelled through his hair. "But I'm here now, it's all okay."

"You are here," he replied. "You're here, and I love you," his words slurred together.

"C'mere," Steve helped Eddie to his feet. He was like a tired toddler, his hair drooping over his face. He rubbed his eyes.

"I'm fine," he mumbled.

"I know, baby," he replied.

"Baby?" he asked quietly.

"Shhh," Steve guided him onto the bed. "You're clearly exhausted."

"Steve," he whined. "Steve, will you stay with me?"

"Always, Eds," Steve used the sleeve of his blue jacket to softly wipe the thin layer of blood off Eddie's face.

By the time he was done, he was asleep, looking more peaceful than Steve had seen in a long time. And for the first time in just as long, Steve had a burning desire to keep his promise and stay.

He sat on the bed next to Eddie, repeatedly running his fingers through his hair. It was rough, unlike Steve's well-kept hair. But it was nice, strangely soft. The sun hadn't set yet, it must have been around five in the afternoon.

The light that filtered around him cast a soft glow on Eddie's sleeping face, dousing him in golden honey.

Steve just admired him, simply watching his face. His breathing was even and steady, and he curled into Steve's side. Fast asleep next to him, bodies pressed together. Steve let himself relax into Eddie's sleeping form, pulling him onto his lap.

He really didn't know how he was so tired, but it didn't matter if it meant spending time close to him. Maybe it was the fear. It hung around the two of them, tangible on Steve's skin. The considerable weight of it dripped from the ceiling, and it was all he could do to protect the dreaming man in his lap. He wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.

His chin rested tenderly on top of Eddie's head. He smelled like vanilla, an unusual scent, but one that was nice and warm. How the hell did he get a shampoo or a cologne that smelled so goddamn good? Eddie was just a warm person, his soul was pure and compassionate. He cared so much, and Steve could barely fathom it.

What he could fathom less, of course, was the self loathing that laid just below Eddie's skin. How could one so gentle, so pure, be so full of doubt and hate? Especially with other people. Steve could see the way Eddie hid, folding in on himself around anyone else. He spoke of not caring, of being different, but the words of the world still scorched him.

Asleep, he was free. He didn't need to worry about any of the pressures of society or the deep pain that burdened his heart.

Steve let him sleep, staying as still as he could so Eddie wouldn't wake. He tried his best to steady his breathing. Their bodies moved up and down in unison. Steve's hands wandered up and down Eddie's back, doing his best to comfort the sleeping man. They stayed like this for hours, even when the sun set, and when Steve's legs fell asleep.
He didn't care. All he wanted was peace for the two of them. All he wanted was warmth, perfect unity between them, forever.

He knew it couldn't last. He knew it was only time before something changed again, be it demons from the Upside Down, or some stupid homophobe with a knife. But he also knew that they had to return to Hawkins. They couldn't hide in Indianapolis forever, they would have to go back to normal. They would have to go back, regardless.

Steve held Eddie until he, too, fell asleep.

He woke when Eddie did, as he rolled off Steve's chest, taking his warmth and weight with him.
Groggily, he sat up. "Eds?" He rubbed his eyes.

Eddie was sitting next to him, cross legged and bleary-eyed. "Good morning," he mumbled, "I think."

"Yeah," Steve replied. "Do you remember before you fell asleep?"

Eddie nodded. He seemed like he was starting to wake up. "Yeah, I think so. You called me baby," he taunted playfully, his tired eyes crinkling in a sleepy smile.
He looked away sheepishly. "I did."

"I didn't mind it at all," he assured him, resting his hand on his leg.
"Are you sure?" Steve asked with a small smile.

"Always," Eddie leaned forward into him, resting his head on his collarbone.
Steve pulled his arms around him. "Eds," he started. It was too early, but he needed to ask. "I have something to ask you, okay?"

Eddie pulled away, his forehead creased. "What's going on?"
He took a shaky breath. "Are you... Are you okay with going back?" he asked quietly.

"To Hawkins?" Eddie asked in reply.

Steve nodded, staring into the fabric.

He didn't reply for a little while. "I don't know," he said finally, "I don't know how either of us could be safe."

"I've thought about it a lot," Steve confessed, "and maybe we could stay at Robin's. Or the Byers. I don't know, but there are people there who can help us."
"And people who would kill us. More specifically, your fucking dad!" Eddie scoffed. "I don't fucking know. Fuck, man. Go back? Why?"

"We can't stay here, Eds. We don't have enough money, getting jobs and finding a place to live will be nearly impossible. We can't stay here," he slowly reached out and placed his hand on Eddie's.

He didn't make eye contact. "I know. I just..." He hesitated. "I know we need to leave. I'm just scared."
"Eddie," Steve said quietly, lifting his chin gently so they were looking into each other's eyes. "I'll be right here for you. I'm always right next to you, okay?"

"What if you're not, one day?"

"I swear to you, I swear to god, that day will never, ever come."

"You promise?"

"Always," he smiled sadly.

When The Sun Rises - Steve Harrington x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now