Part Twenty - Steve

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[A/N hey guys i have no excuse for how late this update is. I think i've forgotten how to write oops. Uuuh yeah sorry for the lateness but here it is. Enjoy. Also that other project I mentioned a couple chapters back?? Probably not gonna happen BUT that's okay. I'm stressed with my last year of school so please give me a little grace]

Robin's house was smaller than Steve's, but it didn't really matter anymore, since his house was no longer his home. The outside was painted a warm tan, and was surrounded by busy trees and plants. The gravel driveway crunched under the van's tires as Steve pulled in.

He hesitated before stepping out of the car. The energy of Hawkins had changed, it was hostile and unwelcoming now. Air felt harsh on his skin, like it was trying to push him out.

Eddie climbed out of the van a couple seconds after Steve. His eyes were red but he couldn't tell if it was from smoking or crying.
"Are you alright?" he asked gently.

Eddie nodded, but he didn't speak.

Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie's, guiding him from the driveway to the front door. Clouds hung heavy over the house, threatening to douse Hawkins in heavy rain.

They stood under the awning over the door, waiting for maybe a minute in silence. The door creaked as it opened to Robin.

Her hair was a little messy, but she made it work. An old flannel was tied around her waist. "Hey guys," she said, standing aside to let both of them in.

"Thank you so much, Robin," Steve grinned at her as they stepped over the threshold.

Her eyes lowered to their hands, still wrapped in each other, and a knowing smile grew on her face. "No problem. The couch is a hide-a-bed, and I don't think you'd mind sharing."

Steve felt his face grow warm. "Nope."

"So," she continued, leading them into the living room. "How long will you guys be back in Hawkins?"

"We don't know," Eddie finally said. "Long enough to find a real place to live, I guess."
"Well, you're welcome here as long as you need."

"Thank you," Steve said again. "I really don't know how to make it up to you."
"Hey, anything for King Dingus," she laughed. "I'll go get you guys some pillows and stuff, I'll be right back." She disappeared up the stairs, leaving Steve and Eddie in the living room, alone.

The couch pulled out into a bed, a thin mattress that reminded Steve of a sleeping bag. The blankets, however, were soft and comfortable, quilts that looked handmade and beautiful. They sat at the end of the bed, folded neatly over each other.

Robin's living room was small, and simply decorated. A couple of arm chairs were the only other furniture, with even more quilts folded nicely over their backs. A small television sat near the fireplace, the mantle adorned by several framed family photos. A small ceramic vase, holding some faux flowers, was placed right in the middle.

The room felt lived in, and well-loved. The armchairs had indents, and were worn on the arms. It smelled faintly of citrus, a pleasant scent. Sunlight danced through the windows around the room, casting a gentle, natural light over the furniture.

Steve hadn't let go of Eddie's hand. Their fingers hung together loosely, Eddie's rings quickly becoming familiar against his skin.
"Are you okay?" Steve asked softly.

"We'll be alright, Eds."

"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure, man. I know we can get through this."

He sighed and leaned into Steve's arm. The room felt cavernous, the hanging lights becoming stalactites that threatened to drop on the two of them. The chairs became mounds of rocks, the television static turning to a strange dripping of water.

When The Sun Rises - Steve Harrington x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now