The Met Gala

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Y/N's Pov

Throughout the whole ride, me and Rami were just giggling and laughing our asses off at literally nothing. I'm pretty sure our driver knew we were on something because he kept looking at us. That just kept us lagging even more. During the ride we also heard Bad Blood by Taylor Swift. I remember hearing it on my first trip to LA. Fun times.

We've finally made outside of the Met Gala and thank our driver before getting my out. We can hear people screaming other celebrities name including Rami's. I even heard my name a couple of times. This is so cool!

Once you walk in, you can just hear all sorts of commotion going on. Cameras flashing, photographers yelling, and people talking everywhere.

Obviously, I just follow Rami's lead because I've never been to a Met Gala. And then I realize, he's never been to one of these before, so we're just standing here like idiots.

Y/N: What the fuck are we supposed to do?

Rami: I don't know, man!

Y/N: How do you not know? You've literally been in movies and shit! Isn't it the same?!

Rami: Thats not the same thing!

Y/N: How so?

Rami: Because movies have premieres, not a fucking bunch of celebrities walking on the red carpet or whatever! Movie premieres have fans along the sides, this doesn't!

I just roll my eyes and know he's right, but I won't admit it.

Y/N: Whatever, bro.

Rami: Admit it! Admit that I'm right!

Y/N: ...You were right, I was wrong. Happy now?

Rami: Very.

He's gives me that charming smile of his, and I roll my eyes at him before smiling at him.

As we're standing there, a lady comes walking up to us. I'm assuming she works for the Met Gala.

Lady: Hello, Rami and Y/N.

We both greet her back.

Lady: Since this your guys first time at a Met Gala, I'm going to give you a few pointers.

We nod our heads, waiting for her to explain them.

Lady: As you can see, the Gala is like a movie premiere but not really. All you have to do is walk the carpet all the way until the end while striking poses here and there.

Y/N: Thank you so much.

Lady: No problem.

After she leaves, I look over at Rami to seem him with a smirk.

Y/N: What is it now?

Rami: Even she said it's not like a premiere.

Y/N: I thought she said it's kinda like a premiere at the same time?

Rami: Whatever. Let's just get this over with, so we can go to the after party.

I nod my head and follow him along the carpet.

As we're walking down the carpet, the noise just gets louder and louder. Good thing I'm used to it since I'm driving a loud ass car 220 miles an hour. Also, throughout us walking, Rami and I are making jokes and shit.

We each pose separately here and there. We even take some photos together.

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