The Start of a Getaway Car

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What do you guys think about the breakup? If it's true, I hope both of them are okay. If it's not, they're very sneaky. Also, no Joe slander is tolerated here! I love the real life London Boy💪🏾🇬🇧

Y/N's Pov

Around the beginning of June

Right now I am getting dressed to go participate in a baptized ceremony. How I ended up going to one is because my engineer, Marc, has a little girl who is over a year old, and he chose me to be her Godfather while his wife chose the Godmother. Also, Tom and Alex are going with me because why not?

Y/N: Should I wear a blazer and a tie?

Tom: Jesus Christ, either do it or don't!

Alex: I don't know, mate.

Y/N: You guys aren't any help.

Tom mocks me under his breath, and I slap him on his head.

Alex: Did Marc tell you what to wear?

Y/N: All he said was to dress formally. I just don't wanna show up underdressed or overdressed, you know?

Tom: Text him and see what he says.

I nod my head and text Marc. A few seconds later he answers back.

Y/N: He says to wear both.

The boys nod their heads while I put my pink tie on me because his daughter, Cora, likes pink. Once I've got that done, I put on my blue blazer that matches my blue slacks over my white button down.

Alex: Looking dapper, Y/N. *laughs* Let's go!

We get into the car and drive to the church. Once we get there, we meet up with Marc to see him in his own suit and tie.

Marc: You look great, mate.

Y/N: Thanks! So do you.

He nods his head, and I look at the godmother who has a gift bag next to her.

Y/N: Why does she have a gift?

Marc: She's giving it to Cora, dumba- Anyways.

Y/N: Wait, so I was supposed to bring a gift too?

Marc: I guess. You never been to a baptized ceremony?

Y/N: Ages ago. I can't remember.

Marc: Jeez, mate.

Y/N: Don't worry, I'll give her my racing helmet.

I grin at him while he shakes his head with a smile.

Marc: Just go sit down, will ya?

I shrug my shoulders and go sit on the front bench where he tells me to.

After a while of the priest talking, it's time to dip the child in the water. Me and the godmother help the priest dip Cora into the water. As soon as she feels the water, she starts whining like a mad woman. She's thrashing around, and her eyes open to mine, and that's when she starts to settle down. Cora calms down as she looks at me, and I can't help but admire her brown eyes. She's very adorable.

After a while, they make the Godmother and I take a picture with the family and priest. Marc tells me to smile, and I decline each time until I give a little smile. After the picture is taken, everyone gathers their things to go out to eat. I pull Marc and his family over to my car and give my racing helmet as a gift to Cora.

Y/N: Here, she can start at an early age. I mean how old was Max again?

They both chuckle at my joke while I shake my head with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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