The After Party

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Sorry for leaving you guys for 3 weeks😔. Thank for all the views and votes! I love y'all😩.
Also, Miss Swift telling us about her new album, Midnights! Can't wait for it😩!

Y/N's Pov

After we left the venue, we fled to the our driver who's taking us to the after party. Right now it's the same group as before plus Halsey joined. I think Rami invited her, but I can't remember because of all the smoke surrounding us.

We've finally outside the place. I kinda forgot the name of this place. When we stepped outside, more flashes can me heard all around us. People screaming other peoples names and stuff.

We've finally made our way inside this interesting looking place. It's basically like a regular night club or pub, but for the rich and famous. Apparently, we have to eat before the "party" can actually start. So, right now, my little group is sitting at the table. We're all looking at the menus, trying to decide what we want to eat. 

Rami: What are you boys getting?

Alex: Probably a big burger!

Thomas: Steak.

They all look at me waiting for me to answer.

Y/N: ...uh...a salad?

My two childhood friends groan out, and Rami laughs.

Alex: Come on, Y/N!

Thomas: Don't give us that bullshit!

Y/N: What? I'm just saying what I'm going to eat.

Rami: This is your first ever Met Gala, and you're gonna eat a salad! You can make that at home!

Halsey: Yeah, and plus you should have a cheat day. I mean you done smoked how much tonight?

She gives me a teasing smirk along with the rest of the boys. I sigh defeatedly, knowing I won't win this argument.

Y/N: Fine, I'll get a steak or something.

They all cheer like little kids.

As we're waiting for the waiters to come to our table, we all talk about upcoming events in our personal lives.

Halsey: What is it that you do again? Like, no offense, I just wanna know.

Y/N: Oh, uh you're fine. I'm an F1 driver.

Halsey: A what driver now?

Y/N: Formula 1?

Halsey: What the hell is that?

Thomas: The better version of NASCAR.

Halsey: ...Ohhh okay. I've heard of NASCAR. What's the difference between the two?

Y/N: For one, F1 is more international than NASCAR. In NASCAR, they only turn left while we turn both ways.

Alex: Formula 1 has always and will be better than NASCAR.

Halsey: Ahh, okay. I might have to see you race in person. When is your next match?

Y/N: Well, my last match was last Russia. And the next one is on the 15 in Spain.

Halsey: Oh my gosh! You just came back from Russia to attend this!

I just nod my head to her with a small smile.

Halsey: That is so crazy. I could never do that.

Y/N: Most probably couldn't either. Formula 1 is a very exhausting and dangerous sport, but it's all worth it. I loved it since I was as Rami would call me, a 'little lad'.

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