You're So Gorgeous

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I would like to sincerely apologize for not updating any of my books. I have no excuses. I hope you guys can forgive me😃. Enjoy!

May 15 Spanish Grand Prix

Taylor's Pov

Right now I'm outside the door of my parents home in Nashville visiting them. I make my way inside, and see my mom in the kitchen.

Andrea: Taylor, honey, you made it!

I smile and walk over to hug her.

Taylor: Of course I did! What are you doing?

Andrea: I'm making food for you father and brother. They're in the living room.

I thank her and head over to the living room to greet the both of them. I sit down on the couch when something on TV catches my eye.

Taylor: What are you watching, Austin?

Austin: Formula One. Why?

Formula One! That's what Y/N does for a living! Wait, I didn't know Austin watched this.

Taylor: Oh, because it looked familiar. That's all.

He makes a weird face at me before turning his head back to the screen.

Taylor: I didn't know you watched this.

Austin: I've been watching this for a while now.

Taylor: Why'd you never mention it?

Austin: I don't know. I just thought it wouldn't matter, you know?

Taylor: Yeah, sure. Do you have a favorite racer or a team?

Austin: Yeah, Toro Rosso with Carlos Sainz Jr. and Y/N L/N!

Oh my fucking gosh! His favorite driver is Y/N! The same Y/N I stalked after meeting him at the Met Gala!

Austin: *smiles* Also, Y/N follows me back on Instagram!

Taylor: What?! I mean what?

Austin: Yeah! Whenever he made his account, I followed back and a few hours later, he followed back. We also talk here and there. He's a very laid back guy.

My LITERAL BROTHER talks to the guy I STALKED! Oh, Jesus!

Taylor: That's- Just wow.

Austin: Yeah, yeah, now be quiet! They're about to start the interviews with different racers.

I nod my head and watch as my mom carrie's a tray full of food. I take just a few pieces.

Taylor: Thanks, Mom.

Andrea: Of course, sweetie.

As we're watching the TV, a face I recognize appears on the screen.

Alyssa: Hello, Formula 1 fans! I'm your interviewer, Alyssa, and I'm here with...

Y/N: Y/N L/N.

He flashes the camera a charming smile and looks back at the interviewer.

Wow. His smile.

Alyssa: Last race you ended up in P18. Are you hoping to aim higher now that you're starting Р13?

Y/N: Yes, absolutely. The team and I have been correcting our strategy, and I think that will help.

Alyssa: Great! It's cutting close before the race starts. How are you going to get in your zone?

Y/N: I will probably listen to some music and stretch again.

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