Max's First Win

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I am so sorry for not updating. I have no excuses. I'm just a lazy fuck😁.
Also, AlphaTauri didn't exist in 2016. Thanks for the heads up😑. Jk.


Race day is finally here, and I'm grateful for it to be back. As I'm walking through the entrance, I can see fans lining up everyone.



I quickly make my way over towards the crowd and use their markers to sign their things. I make my way down the line and stop to take a couple of selfies with the fans. As I'm signing a fan's poster, I feel someone rub the top of head

Fan 3: You got a new haircut!

Y/N: *chuckles* Yes, yes, I did. How do you guys like it?

Everyone screams out all kinds of different answers, making me laugh at them.

Y/N: What about you?

Fan 3: I think you look sexy!

Everyone laughs at that, and I start to blush.

Y/N: I-I have no words. T-Thank you, I-I guess?

Fan 3: Anytime!

After bidding goodbye to my fans, I make my way towards the team's garage to check in with the crew.

Franz: Y/N, you finally made it!

Y/N: Yes, sorry for the wait.

Franz: No worries. Come on, we made some changes to your car.

Y/N: Okay, like what?

Franz: Can't tell you yet. Hehe. Now, go change and stretch out those muscles before you do a quick interview.

Y/N: Yes sir.

He walks away from me, and I head over to the locker rooms. Once I get there, I see my teammate, Carlos Sainz, already there.

Carlos: *smiles* Hello.

Y/N: *smiles back* Hello mate.

We fist bump each other, and then he points up at my hair.

Carlos: You got a haircut? New haircut?

Y/N: *smiles* Yes.

Carlos: Looks very good.

Y/N: Thank you, mate.

Carlos: No problem. You wanna stretch together right quick?

Y/N: Yeah, just let me get dressed.

He nods his head, and I go to change into my suit.

Once I change, I do some solo stretches by myself before doing partner ones with Carlos

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Once I change, I do some solo stretches by myself before doing partner ones with Carlos. After we finish, we grab our helmets and walk out back to the garages.

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