Chapter 1

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Tw: Yelling and Cussing

Ash and Goh wereout training their Pokémon. "Hey Ash, have you ever thought of evolving your Pikachu into a Raichu?" Goh asked. "No, why?" Ash answered clearly confused. "Just wondering, I mean," Goh said."hes been Pikachu since we were ten, which was six years ago. Or has Pikachu chosen not to evolve like Dawn's Piplup?"

Ash though for a minute then looked at Pikachu. Pikachu looked at Ash as if to say "no". Ash nodded his head and turned back to Goh. "Pikachu has decided not to. He wants to be Pikachu forever." Ash answerd confidently. Goh was confused on how Ash got that answer, but sruged and moved on.

"Hey, do you know what ever happened to Jessie and James?" Ash asked."I don't know Ash, they did disappear, didn't they?" Goh answered looking at the ground. "Ash, Goh!" Chloe yelled from house. "Lunch is ready!" "Coming Chloe!" Goh yelled back. "I love lunch!" Ash exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes. "Ash, you love all meal times." Goh said blankly before starting to head in the house.

When they got in the house they were greted by a warm welcome from Dawn and a kinda grunt from Chloe. Dawn had a longer pink skirt and her hair was in a high ponytail and had bright clothes on. Chloe looked more on the emo side with only wearing darker clothes and her pink hair to give her dark moody style some color.

Dawn made most of the food with Chloe's parents being out of town a lot. "Here's everyone's food!" Dawn said cheerfully. "You can eat now." Dawn sat down and started eating her food. "Hey, have you gudgdgdg?" Ash tried to ask a question but had lots of food in his mouth. "Ash, eat your damn food before you talk." Chloe said.

"Sorry Ms. I hate everything." Ash said, trying to get a rise out of Chloe. "I'm going to grab a steak knife and murder you." Chloe said getting up from her chair. "No, babe, don't do that." Dawn said running over to Chloe. "We don't murder people." Chloe rolled her eyes and went to sit back down.

When Chloe sat down she caught Goh staring at Ash. And not in the normal way in the 'I love you' way. "Hey, Ash and Goh, why do you two still look the same from when we were ten?" Dawn asked. "Yeah, thats weird." Chloe said noticing what Dawn said. Ash and Goh looked at each other. "Huh, I guess we haven't changed at all." Goh said. "Weird." Ash said, looking back at his food.


When everyone was done eating their food, they went to the beach and sat in the sand. "Do you guys know what ever happened to Jessie and James?" Ash asked. Chloe and Dawn thought for a moment. "No, not really." Dawn said. "Tch, they probably went to jail." Chloe said trying to move on. "They were such basterds. Why do you care?" Chloe eyed Ash. "Yeah, they did try to steal our Pokémon more than once." Goh said. "And they were harassing us." Dawn added. "And stole others Pokémon." Chloe said. Ash looked at the ocean for a moment. "Yeah, but would such basterds buy tickets to the best day of my life and my mom doesn't come?" Ash asked still looking at the ocean.

Chole sighed. "Why are you asking?!" Chloe asked. "They are fucking criminals who should be in jail for the rest of their lives!!" "So?!" Ash yelled back at Chloe. "They cared for me more than my mom does!!" "Do you know what crimes they've done?!" Chloe yelled. "What are they?!" Ash asked. "Let me think." Chloe said. "Oh yeah. Attempted Pokémon theft, many times, impersonation of officers, many times, littering, many times, harassment, many times! B&E, many times, attempted manslaughter, a dozen times, and tourcher, many times! There's probably more than that too!" When Chloe was done everyone was speechless. Chloe got up and started walking away. "Where are you going?" Dawn asked. "Home." Chloe said sternly.

"I don't care that they should probably be in jail for life." Ash said. "God damn it Ash, will you shut up!" Dawn yelled. "All you think about is yourself, never have you thought, mm, maybe I will hurt others with this statement,its so dumb!" Dawn stormed off to Chloes house.


Ash and Goh sat on the beach for a couple hours. "Damn we're alone, but this is not how I wanted it to be." Goh thought. "You should go back." Ash said looking at Goh. "What?" Goh asked. "They don't want me there, you should go, they'll be fine with you." Ash said looking at the sand. "But, I can't leave you here alone." Goh said. "Your my best friend. I'd feel bad." Ash looked at Goh. "Just go, ok?" Ash said. "I want you to, and your right were best friends, but you should go, don't feel bad." "I just got fucking friendzoned didn't I?" Goh thought. "Ok then." Goh said standing up. "See you in a bit." And he walk back.

☆Hello! If you've been waiting for this story to update for a while I'm sorry, I've been having a writers block and been busy with life.☆

◇I'm not the best at writing so please bear with me. And sorry for the quick yelling and angst (if it even is) I just like some drama.◇

-see you soon!

Words: 913

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