Chapter 5 2/2 (This isn't important to read)

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Tw: cussing, self doubt

Dawn watched as the police escorted Bethenny out of the house. She noticed her girlfriend was unhappy, so she walked over to see what was going on.

Chloe's POV:

I sat by the window with my legs up to my chest and my face in my knees. 'Maybe Bethenny was right.' I thought.  'Maybe Dawn doesn't deserve me. Maybe I'm just stupid. Does she even like me? Or does she just feels bad that my family is always absent.'

I heard someone walk over to me but I didn't care to see who it was. Eevee was laying by my feet and then the person stopped walking and crouched down onto their knees. It was Dawn.
"Babe, are you okay?" Dawn asked trying to hold my hand. I pulled my hand away from her. I love holding her hand, but I feel unhappy with myself. She looked at me and went in front of me and moved Eevee to my side. "Chloe, whats wrong?" She said her concern growing.

"Do you love me?" I asked in a low voice. She looked at me and smiled. "Of course babe I love yo-" "As a girlfriend or a mother?" I interrupted cutting her off.
"Because I feel like you date me off of pity for my parents and brother never being around. And you don't deserve me. I'm just an Emo bitch who can't handle any of my feelings. And you act more of a mother to me and I feel like you only pity me."  I blurted out, tears starting to form in my eyes.

Dawn's POV:

My heart broke when I heard Chloe say that. I don't know why the hell she thinks that, it must have been Beth. "Chloe look at me." I said making her look up at me.
"I love you more that anyone I've every loved in my life. I date you because I fucking love you."
"And I'm sorry I act like a mother, its a weird instinct I have. You are not an Emo bitch, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and its absolutely fine that you can't handle your feelings, were fucking teenagers."

Chloe looked at me and smiled. I haven't seen that beautiful smile since her parents left. "Now there's that beautiful smile I've missed so fucking much." I said putting her face in my hands. Chloe held my hands gave me a quick kiss.
"Your so fucking sweet Dawn." Chloe said giving me a hug. "Nah, you are babe." I said hugging her back.

3rd person POV:

The two girls held the embrace for a bit. After a few minutes, they stood up and walked over to Ash and Goh.

Hi! I hoped you liked this chapter, it wasn't necessary to read, but I really like Chloe x Dawn, so I decided to give them some fluff. The next chapter might take a bit to come out. I have zero idea on what to make it about. If you have any ideas, tell me in the comments!

Have a great day/night

Word count:521

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