Chapter 5 1/2

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Tw: cussing

Goh called the police and explained how Bethenny was stalking Ash and all that stuff, Ash was still in shock from it.
"Okay, the police are gonna be here soon, so we gotta hang tight for a moment." Goh said hanging up the phone. Bethenny was sitting in the corner in Ash's room while looking around in awe at the ''amazing place."

As soon as the police arrived Bethenny was out and now Ash was gonna file a restraining order.

Ash's POV cause why not:

That was one of the scariest things I've dealt with, besides almost dying. Dawn went over to Chloe and they started talking. Goh stood by the door and closed it. "What an eventful morning." He said locking the door so Dawn didn't bitch at him. I suddenly went up to Goh and gave him a hug. "Thanks for being my best friend." I said. "I don't say it a lot and I don't know why. But you are the best person ever Goh, and I hope you know that." I felt my heart beat fast but I wasn't sure why.
Goh's POV:

'Holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit.' I thought as Ash hugged me. 'He's hugging me. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Say something Goh you fucking Dumbass!!'
"Thanks Ash, your super cool too!" I blurted out.
'You fucking dumbass, he didn't say anything about you being SuPeR cOoL. I'm so stupid. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.'
Ash pulled away from me and smiled brightly. Oh his smile is so beautiful. I wish my smile was that pretty.
I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart beating at a gazillion miles per hour. Oh I've liked him since we were 10. I don't know how to fucking tell him though. "Thanks Goh!" Ash said. I felt like practically melting at his smile.  Oh I'm such a fucking simp. Aw fuck.

3rd person Pov at these two:

Goh and Ash were very awkward for a moment until Goh noticed his hair was very messy. "Ah shit." Goh said. "My hair is a mess." Ash looked at Goh's hair. "I think its cute." Ash said without thinking. Goh's cheeks turned pink. "Oh, really?" Goh asked. Ash nodded his head. "It suits you." Goh blushed even more. "Is it hot in here?" Goh asked "Its because I'm in the room." Ash jokingly said. 'Yeah, thats fucking why.' Goh thought. "Shut the fuck up Ash." Chloe said from the other side of the room.

Hi! This one is short, sorry about that. The next chapter is just gonna be about what Chloe and Dawn were talking about. Its not a necessary chapter to read. But yeah, so. Have a great day/night!!

Word count: 456

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