Chapter 7

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Tw: cussing

Goh and Ash were in their room. Ash was in his phone, adding Jessie and Jame's wedding to his calendar. And Goh was starting at Ash with those loving puppy dog eyes. Goh quickly looked away when Ash looked at him.

Ash didn't know why, but whenever he was near Goh, he felt like he had butterflies in him, and he'd get all sweaty and nervous. He did as Dawn the "love expert" and it was an odd conversation.


"Dawn, I have a question." Ash said walking up to Dawn. The blue haired girl turned around. "What is it Ash?" Dawn asked. Ash though for a moment. "Every time I'm near Goh, I get sweaty, nervous, my heart beats at a million miles per hour and I feel like butterflies are in me." Ash admitted. Dawn smiled. "Oh Ash, you like Goh." The girl said sweetly. Ash didn't understand. "But I didn't feel this way with Serena." The boy said. "Why is it with Goh?"

Dawn smiled. "Did you really love Serena? Did you ever think of your future with her?" Ash thought for a moment. "No." He said. "So, I didn't actually like her?" Dawn sighed. "Maybe, I don't know Ash." The teen girl said. "It depends how you felt. I can't go inside your brain and see how you felt. I simply can't do that.'' Ash didn't know what to do. "Well, thanks Dawn." Ash said walking away.
"Your welcome!" Dawn said.

End of flashback

"Hey Goh." Ash said. "Do you like anyone?" Goh froze up. "Y-yeah." Goh said. Ash was curious. "Oh, who?" Ash asked, sitting up. Goh didn't want to answer. "I-I don't wanna answer that." Goh said.

Ash didn't mean to make Goh uncomfortable, so he left the subject alone. "Well, who was your first crush?" Ash asked. Goh thought for a minute.

"Some bo-girl, girl in my old school." Goh answered. Ash didn't understand why Goh almost said boy, but he shrugged it off. "Cool." Ash said.
"Why is Chloe such a bitch?" Ash asked Goh. "She's not a bitch Ash, she's just going through stuff." Goh answered.

"Her parents have just disappeared, her brother doesn't want to be seen with her, she has to take care of us,  that's gotta be a lot for one person." Ash thought about it for a moment. He never actually thought of Chloe's situation.

"Maybe I'm just an asshole." Ash said. "I never put it through her perspective."
"Your not an asshole." Goh said. "Your just, uhh, kinda dense sometimes." Ash frowned. "So I am an asshole?"
Goh shook his head. 'How do I like this idiot?' Goh thought to himself.


  Ash went down stairs for dinner. Goh was behind him. As Goh was walking down the stairs, he tripped on air. This ended up in him falling onto Ash's back, making them both tumble down the stairs.

Chloe looked at the two as they stopped on the floor. "Dumb-dumbs." She mumbled. She went back into the kitchen. Goh quickly got up in a panic.

Once dinner was done being made, everyone sat at the table. Dinner was quite and everyone had some kind of tension between each other. "Okay,  this is bullshit." Dawn said. "Stop the tension, Ash and Chloe I think you two need to resolve some shit." The blue haired girl grabbed Goh by the color and pulled him away. "Make it up you two!" Dawn yelled.

Ash and Chloe looked at each other. Dawn wanted them to resolve some things, but it might not work out.

Hello everyone! I finished this chapter and decided to upload it. I'm not officially back, but this should be good. I'm going to update recent chapters to my new writing style.

Hope you have a great day/night!

Word count: 641

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