Chapter 6

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Tw: Cussing

Dawn and Chloe held hands as they walked over to Ash and Goh. "Woah," Ash said looking at Chloe. "She's smiling! Goh, look at this! She for once doesn't look like death!" Goh covered his mouth to hold back laughter. Dawn smiled at the joke.
Chloe lightly punched Ash's shoulder and started to laugh. Then Dawn started to laugh,  and soon all four of them were laughing, like how they used to when they were 10. For once, Ash and Chloe were getting along.

This laughter died as a knock came from the door. "Okay, when were not at each others necks, someone has to interrupt!" Chloe said. Ash walked over to the door and opened it, he gasped as he saw two adults.

"Hello little shit, did you miss us?" A woman with dark pink hair said putting her hands on her hips. Ash looked at the two adults and smiled.
"Hello?" The man with light purple hair said. "You gonna answer?"
Chloe's grip tighten on Dawn's hand. "It can't be." Chloe said, her voice shaking. Dawn pulled Chloe closer to her. "The one and only!" The woman said.

"Team Rocket!" Ash said smiling and hugging them.


Jessie and James were sitting in Chloe's living room. Chloe stayed in the kitchen, very uncomfortable with these guests. 

"How have you guys been?" Ash asked. "Good." Jessie said. Jessie still had her bright green eyes, but her hair was much shorter, she had a red t-shirt on with blue pants on.
"How have you been squirt?" James asked. James's hair was still the same length, he looked very tired though, he was wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans.
"Really good!" Ash said. "What have you guys been up to?"
"Nothing much."  Jessies said.
"What are you hear for?" Chloe said walking in the living room. "This is my house,  so state your business and leave."
"We were getting to that." Jessie said rolling her eyes. She put up her right hand to show a sparkling ring. "We're getting married."  She said smiling. "So, we wanted to invite you four!"
"Congratulations!" Ash exclaimed. "When is the wedding?"
"In August." James proudly said.

"After everything you put us through, especially Ash," Chloe said. "You expect us to fucking forgive you and go to your wedding?!"

Everyone looked at Chloe like she was crazy. "Chloe, are you okay?" Goh asked. Chloe looked at her freinds and her girlfriend. "You guys forgive them?!" Chloe asked.
"Chloe, they were 16, people do stupid stuff." Dawn said.
"Yeah." Jessie said. "When I was 16 I thought I loved a girl, but it didn't work out at all! Thats when I met James!"
James nodded. "You know." Jessie said looking at Chloe and Dawn. "You two remind me of my relationship with that girl!" Chloe felt like she had been stabbed. 'Did a fucking criminal just say me and my girlfriend remind her of her and her ex?!' Chloe thought.
"Get out of my house." Chloe said. Jessie stood up and James followed. Jessie handed Ash something. "Here's the invitation." She said. "If you want to go."
The couple opened the door and walked out. Ash scowled at Chloe. "Fucking bitch you are." He said before heading upstairs.

Hi! Hoped you liked this chapter! I decided to just throw in Jessie dated a girl, I'm not sure why though, my brain is a mess. Hope would have a great day/night!

Word count: 580

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