Chapter 4

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Tw: cussing, harassment, stalking, sexual assault

Ash sat on his bed looking at his phone. A few days ago he met some girl who was his "Biggest fan" they talked a bit and exchanged numbers. Now that girl would stop texting him.

"Shes so fucking annoying." Ash mumbled under his breath. He opened his phone to see the texts she'd sent him

*Ash's phone*


B: Ash
B: Ash
B: Ash
B: Ash
B: Ash
B: Ash
B: Ash

                                                                    What is it?

B: Soooo Ash! How was your breakfast??

                                                                     Didn't eat much, you?

B: I ate a lot. But how were your eggs?

How did you guess what I ate?

B: I didn't guess, I saw you.

What the fuck does that mean?

B: I see you right now, im in the tree by your window, your sitting on your bed with Pikachu on your right.

*off Ash's phone*

Ash looked up from his phone and out into the window, to see the fan looking through his window hanging onto the tree, smiling like a creep. Ash screamed and dropped his phone.


Dawn, Chloe and Goh heard a scream from upstairs and it was loud. Goh got up from the table and ran upstairs. "And there the simp goes." Chloe said slowly standing up to follow Goh. Dawn chucked and got up too. "Come on babe." Dawn said. "Lets at least go see." Chloe grabbed Dawn's hand and followed her upstairs. They entered Ash and Goh's room to see Ash on his bed paralyzed in fear, and Goh tring to help a girl from a tree.

"What the hell happened?" Dawn asked. The girl looked at Dawn and looked very confident. Dawn looked at the girl and made a grossed out face. The girl had dark blue hair that looked like Dawn's, but it had leaves and sticks in it. Her eyes were a pale blue, she had pale skin but it had dirt and what looked like even fertilizer on her. And she had nice dress clothes that were covered in dirt and mud.
"Oh hi!" The girl said. "I'm Bethenny, and I'm Dawn's cousin! You must be Chloe her crush!" "Girlfriend actually." Chloe corrected. Bethenny frowned and then looked at Ash and practically pounced on him. "Hi Ash!" She yelled loudly. "Remember me?! How were those eggs? What were your reactions to Goh setting his eggs on fire? Where's your hat?" Bethenny started throwing out questions left and right.

"Beth get off of him!" Dawn yelled. "You already have him in fear!" Dawn ripped Bethenny off of Ash and put her in the corner where Chloe was standing.

-With Beth and Chloe-

Bethenny eyed Chole and tugged her sleeve. "You don't deserve Dawn." Bethenny said. Chloe was taken a back by this. "What the fuck does that mean?" Chloe asked getting defensive. "You know it." Bethenny said. "Your just an emo bitch, who's parents are barely around and your little brother is always avoiding you. Dawn acts more like a mom than a girlfriend. She was so much better with Ronaldo."
"She hated Ronaldo." Chloe said tensing up. "Ronaldo only dated her to look straight and Dawn did the same. You should know that." Bethenny shrugged. "Still, you know damn well you don't deserve her, and you know there's so many better people she could be with." Chloe turned away from Beth went to shut the window.

-With Dawn, Goh and Ash-

"Ash I'm so sorry, she was sent to an asylum earlier this year, I don't know how she got out earlier." Dawn said crouching next to Ash. Ash looked disturbed by something that wasn't the questions.
"S-she started touching me when she pounced on me." Ash said, his voice slightly shaking. "She even touched my crotch, and started touching my chest weird." Goh felt disturb when hearing this. "I-is it okay if I hug you?" Goh asked not wanting to break any boundaries. "Yeah, thats fine." Ash said. For some odd reason, Goh's hugs made him feel a lot better. Goh hugged Ash and Ash looked at Dawn, who smiled and raised her eyebrows up and down. Ash rolled his eyes and huged Goh back.

Hi! I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry there was a lot of shit going on. If your name is Bethenny or Beth, im sorry I used your name, I just thought of something random. This chapter included some extra Chloe x Dawn, im sorry if that isn't what you wanted, but I really think that the ship is cute. But, I have a bit extra time to have new updates.

See you next chapter!

Word count: 771

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