Chapter 3

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Tw: Cussing, mentions of fire

Goh woke up early in the morning and yawned. Everyone was still asleep so he quietly got up and went into the kitchen. 'Dawn says cooking is easy, so why can't I take a crack at it?' Goh thought. 'Making eggs can't be too hard, I've seen Dawn and Chloe do it millions of times.'

Dawn, Ash and Chloe bolt awake at the sound if a fire alarm. "Ahh!" Ash screamed. Piplup ran into the kitchen and put the fire out. Dawn walked into the kitchen and saw Goh. "What the FUCK are you doing sir?" Dawn asked in a sassy mom voice. "I-I was trying to make eggs." Goh said his voice slightly shaking.
Dawn looked at Goh blankly and then walked up to him and pushed him out of the way. "Watch the pro do it dummy." Dawn said cleaning the mess up.


After Dawn taught Goh how to make eggs it was calmer even though Goh kept getting scolded. "Let me tell you Goh, I would absolutely beat the living SHIT out of you if I wasn't such a nice person." Dawn said eating her eggs. Chloe giggled and gave some of her eggs to Eevee. Ash ate silently but barely ate a thing, but he kept checking his phone and texting someone. "Ash, are you okay?" Goh asked looking at Ash. "Your not even touching your food. Which is odd, since you really like food." Ash looked up from his phone and sighed. "I'm not hungry." Ash said getting up from the table. He went upstairs while still staring at his phone.

Chloe rolled her eyes and went back to eating her eggs. "Whats with him?" Dawn asked. "Who fucking cares?" Chloe said. 'I care.' Goh thought.


Hi! This took forever to write but here it is, I haven't had lots of time to write, but I hope you liked it! This one is kinda short, so sorry about that. I'll probably edit it later. Have a great day/night!

Word count: 343

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