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Nikki's POV

" Nicole Slaughter I have half a mind to send you right back to Juvi with the rest of these delinquents ... but your public defender has gotten in contact with your aunt Rosalyn and she agreed to take you" Judge Henderson says as she's writing something's down on a paper.

I stand there with a bored look in this ridiculous orange outfit playing with the chain of the handcuffs.

" you'll be on probation for the next 6 months if you so much as skip a day of school I won't hesitate to throw you back in lock up understood?!"

I let out a sigh " yes your honor"

" good you'll be released in a few hours as soon as you get settled with your aunt you need to go and see your new P.O. And get an ankle monitor, if ... and this is a big IF your on good behavior you'll be able to get off the ankle monitor in 3 months"

My public defender comes over to me with some paperwork for my release and my P.O.s info.

" good luck ms.slaughter I hope you know how easy you got off this time next time you might not be so fortunate understood?" I simply nod "good court dismissed"

The officer comes and takes me to the cells in the back of the court house. I sit there in silence as I watch the other girls act a fool for god knows what reason. After about 2 in a half more hours we're finally able to get transported back to the jail. As soon as I'm off the bus and the handcuff are removed I hear my name called to the front desk.


I walk up to the counter to see deputy Rodriguez " I hear your going home today "

I shrug " it's not my home but yea I guess"

" you should be happy" she says with a smile

" there's nothing for me out there besides I won't get to see you everyday" I smile. Deputy Rodriguez is one of the guards that watches us until about 8pm everyday she's probably treated me like a daughter more then my own mother ever did and I will miss her a lot.

She slides over a business card with her personal phone number on it " here my sweet girl I'm not supposed to do this but if you ever need anything call me okay" I smile and nod "now go get your stuff it's time for you to go" I nod and walk back to my bunk. I grab the couple pictures I have of my little brother and a few of my close friends and the letters they've written me and walk out. Deputy Rodriguez hands me my clothes that I got arrested in to change, after a few moment I come back with the ugly orange uniform and hand it to her just as another officer comes to escort me out

"Good luck kiddo" she smiles, I smile back as I leave with the other officer

As soon as we get to the front of the jail we walk through some big double doors that go into the lobby of the jail and I see my aunt Rosie waiting patiently, when she sees me she immediately gets up coming towards me.

" sign these" the officer gestures towards my release papers she quickly signs them and just like that I'm free to go ... kinda

We walk out of the jail in silence to her new Audi A1. "Nice car auntie" I said as I got in the passenger seat.

"Thank you I just got it, one of the many perks that came with my new law firm" I nod " you hungry Nik"

" starving actually" she smiles and 10 mins later we're in the McDonald's drive through " you know me so well" I laugh

"Of course" she said smiling " I'm sorry by the way"

"For?" I say looking over at her

"For your mom, for not being there when you needed me the most"

I shrug "it's whatever" I say looking out the window"

" I promise your life will be better no more suffering and definitely no more jail" she says and I laugh at that last part

"Yea we'll see auntie, so since I'm being forced to go to hell .." I say rolling my eyes "where am I gonna be going to school"

" Madison Prep" she says

"With those rich snob??" I look at her

"It's not gonna be that bad" she says as she orders our food and pays, After we get our food and start driving home she looks at me " I'm really glad your here now"

"Me too auntie"

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