Madison Prep

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(Nikki's Picture Above)

I feel his eyes on me after a few seconds "nice ink" he said

I nod "thank you"

Our eyes linger on each other for a second longer until the teacher speaks up " ok class that's enough questions let's get the day started"

I had forgotten how boring school is especially without Nathan. Each class I had was easy so I wasn't really paying attention. Finally it was lunch and I didn't realize how hungry I was til the bell rang. I walked into the cafeteria grabbed a tray from the lunch lady, thankfully it was pizza, and sat down at the first empty table I could find.

"What do you think your doing?" I heard someone ask

I turn around to see a short brunette in a cheer uniform standing behind me "well I'm not sure what you call it here but last time I checked it was called sitting"

" this is the cheerleaders table you need to move now"

I smirk " and who's gonna make me?"

Soon Mikayla walks over and sits next to me and looks up at the other just standing there. " what ain't you gonna sit down Chels?"

" the weird new kid is sitting at our table Mikayla"

We both laugh " I suggest you you take the stick out chels"

She gasps " since when are you defending people like this?"

" yea Mickey since when" I say genuinely intrigued

She flips me off " I'm not defending her, I'm saying that for your own good not hers, this is my cousin Nikki and she's not afraid to rearrange your face for you if I'm being honest" she says casually while biting a celery stick.

She gulps and sits down silently " so where's Brandon" I ask

" running some drills with coach they have a game on Friday" she says "sooo how's your first day going?"

" it's gay, these classes are boring because I already know everything they're trying to teach, and on top of that I hate that everyone here stares at me like if I have 2 heads"

"Well you do have Medusa on your arm" she says laughing

I roll my eyes smiling " you know what I mean"

" Mik we're being watched" Chelsea says

Both Mikayla and I look up to see that Mikaelson kid and Isabel looking in our general direction " see what I mean everywhere I go it's the same shit" I say annoyed

" do you know them?" Mikayla asks

" they're both in my homeroom but that's it, Isabel though, kept asking me questions as if she was gonna try to blackmail me with them"

"Oh god, and what did you tell her?" Chelsea asks

"The truth I'm not gonna lie to these people" I said

Mikayla starts laughing " you didn't"

"Of course I did" I smile

"Petty ass bitch, what was her reaction" Mikayla asks

" I'm not really sure everyone here seems kinda scared of me to be honest"

"I wonder why" she says sarcastically and I roll my eyes

" there just tattoos" I say

She smiles and shrugs, while Chelsea and Mikayla start talking about cheer practice i glance up toward Isabel and Mr. Mikaelson and I see her trying to get very close to him, and him give her a disgusted look and get up from the table and walk away. I internally smiled but continued to focus on Mikaylas conversation.

After lunch I headed over to my world history class and sat in the back, the classroom started to fill up as the teacher walked in, I was thankful no one was next to me until he walked in and since there was no other seat he came and once again sat next to me.

"Ok class settle down, I see we have a new student, welcome to world history I'm Mrs. Mel" the woman tells me, she's a sweet looking lady probably in her mid to late 50's. "This semester we're studying Ancient Greece, do you mind answering a few questions so I can see how caught up you are since this is a pretty advanced class?" Ok,I take the sweet part back.

I raise my eyebrow at her already annoyed with this teacher before I could answer another girl spoke up " she probably doesn't even know where Greece is" she said smirking while a few of the other kids laughed.

'Don't get up and wild out' I kept repeating to myself " go ahead" I tell the teacher

"Ok here's an easy one , who were the 3 main gods of Greece and who was their father?"

"Kronos was the father of Zeus god of lightning, Poseidon god of the sea, and hades god of the underworld"

The teacher smiled " excellent, ok why did Kronos put each of his sons in the positions they had?"

" he didn't Kronos ate his sons, they broke free and locked Kronos away in Tartarus, and as for their positions Zeus and Poseidon tricked hades into ruling the underworld." I say bored

" well you really know your stuff, ok class let's continue with last weeks lesson" she opens her book " with the person sitting next to you I want a mini report done by the both of you about an infamous Greek myth, it has to be done by the end of the class, good luck and get started."

I pulled out a notebook and flipped to an empty page I hadn't drawn on yet, I hadn't noticed the boy next to me looking at me until I turned to see his eyes meet mine "what?"

" oh....nothing..." he looked away grabbing his own notebook "I'm Xander by the way"

" that's good to know" I tell him and he smirks.

" so which myth do you wanna work on?" He asks

I shrug " I don't know there's a lot of them, which one are you most familiar with?"

" I'm not familiar with any"

" seriously?" I ask

"No, I have better things to fulfill my time, how do you know all of this?" He asks

" because In juvi they force you to go to school and learn all this bullshit that will never benefit your future in anyway" I say as I start writing some things down about the sisters of fate and the abduction of Hades wife Persephone.

" so it is true then, you were in jail?"

"Not that it's any of your business but yes I was why?" I ask annoyed

"Just asking..." I roll my eyes and continue to write everything down within about 20 mins I finish the entire assignment for both of us on 2 different myths.

" there I'm done" I say

Xander looks up from the textbook "already?" He says as he grabs my notebook reading through the 3 pages I had written " wow that's... very detailed"

"Ah huh" I say as I sit back and start going through my messages

"I'm actually surprised" he says

" why" I say looking at him

" I just didn't expect that from you"

I raise an eyebrow " and what's that supposed to mean?"

"I.... Uh..." he started stuttering

" what just because I've been locked up and have tattoos and piercings means I gotta be stupid or something?" I say getting agitated "or is it because this school is supposed to be to advanced for someone like me?"

"No ....that's not it at all" he says

"Ah huh... we'll what is it then" I ask

Just as he was about to answer the bell rang students started packing up there stuff and turning in their assignment to the teacher I got up to do the same "saved by the bell" I told him as I walked away giving Mrs. Mel the assignment and walking out.

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