First Day

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(Alexander Pic Above)

This weekend went by faster then I would've liked, my P.O Lisa was alright though at least, but let me put a reminder in big bold letters to never go shopping with my aunt and Mikayla ever again. The experience was torture 10 hrs straight in the mall, like what kind of psycho shops that long.

Mickey said the schools only main dress code is not to be too revealing so my baggy joggers were allowed. I've never really cared about my appearance and now that I have an this stupid ankle monitor I care even less but Mikayla told me to put a little effort on my first day.

I wore my new half black, half white joggers with a black tank top and black air forces. I applied a little concealer under my eyes put a little mascara and eye liner and did my eyebrows and just like that I was ready to go.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled as I looked at the tattoo on my neck and remembered when I got a matching set with my little brother Nathan. We're only 10 months apart born the same year I missed him I didn't want to do any of this without him but he was still locked up for another month before my aunt can get him. 

I admired the visible artwork on my skin for a few more seconds and silently laughed to myself " fuck ima scare these rich kids" I smiled grabbing my black zip up sweater and my backpack and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

My aunt was making herself a cup of coffee before she left for work "how'd you sleep Nik"

I smiled "best sleep I've had in months"

She laughed "I bet, you hungry"

" no auntie I'm good ima head out" I say grabbing a water bottle

" ok have a good day sweetheart" she says, I wave goodbye and head out to my new car.

I unlock and get in my charger, I excitedly turn the ignition gear my new baby hum to life. All I can do is smile I actually feel kinda giddy right now.

I drive 20 mins to get to My new prison (internal eye roll) and just as I expected I see every student and even some of the teachers in nothing but Gucci, Prada, LV it's ridiculous. I park in the student parking lot and get out with my bag and keys, locking my car.

As much as I wanted to stay under the radar Mikayla wasn't lying there really isn't nobody like me here and that made me silently laugh to myself. As if on cue all eyes were on me walking to the main entrance of the school, as much as I hate people staring at me I was loving the looks I was getting some were pure terror like as if I was going to rob these people(those were my favorite), others of course looked at me like I wasn't shit as expected, n others were just curious.

I walked into the building to the main office to get my schedule and I swear this lady looked like she was bouta call the cops.

"Uh.... I'm here for my schedule" I tell her

She looks me up and down "name ?"

"Nicole Slaughter"

Her eyes widen and I laugh "seriously?"

I simply nod as she gathers my locker number and schedule and map of the school, yea this place looks like something out of Harry Potter and it requires a damn map, I thank her as I leave. As soon as I'm in the busy hallway my phone rings and it's one of my best friends calling

I quickly pick up "hey dev what's up"

"Why's it so loud" he asks

" because I'm being forced to go to school" after a few seconds of silence I hear him burst out laughing " it's not funny Devon"

" it really is though ...." I hear him trying to calm himself

" are you done?" I ask

He takes a deep breath " yes .. so where are you going now?"

" hogwarts from the looks of this school" I say looking around

"Really it's like that" I can hear him smile

" I'm at the boujee rich kid school Madison prep"

" oh shit .... Are the girls hot there" he asks and I roll my eyes

" yea but your not there type dev" I smile

" why tf not?"

" because your a broke ass fool" I laugh

" that's just fucked up" he says laughing

"Ay I gotta go though but I'll text you alright" I say reaching my homeroom class

" alright bet I gotta get ready for work anyway" he says " so I'm not broke anymore asshole" and with that he hangs up.

I walk into the classroom and find a seat in the back as the teacher starts to speak. " good morning class I hope everyone had an incredible weekend...." She says looking around the classroom before she focuses in on me " we have a new student joining us for the remainder of the year ms Nicole... Slaughter" she says reading the attendance list in her hands. Immediately everyone turns to see who I am, even though I wanna smile and laugh I sit there with a completely straight face. " why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself"

Here we go .... " I just moved in with my aunt and uncle, I'm from Pasadena....." I say shrugging

"Where's your real parents" this blonde girl asks As the teacher gasps " Isabel !!!"

" it's alright" I say " I don't know my dad and my mother died a few years ago"

" so where were you at before you came with your aunt" Isabel asks with the fakest smile

Now with that question I could be the bigger person and avoid the question or I can assert my dominance and be a little petty, I choose being petty fuck it I don't know these people, "well after my mother died it was just me and my brother for a while and then we ended up getting arrested so up until last Friday I was in juvi , anymore questions Isabel" I ask as she shakes her head.

Just then the door opens and in walks this tall boy with black hair and icey blue eyes, just by the way every girl in this classroom stared at him I could tell he must've been a popular kid, he walks to the only open seat which happens to be right next to mine

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Mikaelson, we were just in the middle of welcoming our new student Nicole"

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