Who Calls Me That?

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"Gimme the keys" Nate says as we're leaving the school

"Why?" I ask

"One, because you drive like a psychopath and two, I just wanna drive your car" I roll my eyes handing him my keys

" I do not drive that bad" I say as we walk to my baby

He give me a knowing look "shut up" I tell him as he unlocks my car getting into the driver seat. As I open the passenger door I hear someone calling my name, as I throw my backpack on the floor of my car,I see Xander walking towards me

"We still on for tonight?" He asks And I nod

"Yea,of course" I say

"Great, I'll see you later" he says walking towards his car

I get in and see a smiling Nathan "told you"was all he says before turning the ignition and pulling out of the school's parking lot.


We get home and Nate immediately goes to the kitchen to make a sandwich, while I go upstairs to put my stuff away. I take off the crop top I'm wearing leaving me in jus a sports bra and my joggers, I lay on my bed listening to music and drawing random things in my sketch book when I feel someone tap my should, I look up expecting it to be Nathan but it's Xander. I sit up taking out my headphones and turning my music off

" I'm sorry Nathan said it was ok for me to come up here" he says looking a little nervous

I smile as I get up and grab my backpack from the closet " it's alright you can sit anywhere" I say as I turn around to see him staring at me " what?" I ask

"What's on your back?" He asks

"It's a demon holding a rabbit above a pentagram" I say waiting for him to run or tell me it's weird like Nathan did when I got it but that moment never came

"That's pretty cool" he says

"Really?" I ask and he nods

I sit on my bed as he pulls out his books while I pull out mine and we start working on the project.


After what feels like forever I close my books and lay back on my pillows "I don't know about you but I need a break"

He smiles looking at me "I could definitely use a break" he says shutting his laptop and putting it away in his backpack.

I take a moment to admire his features, I'll admit he's fucking hot, but guys like this usually get what they want, when they want and I'm not about to play games with anyone.even if they look like him with those sexy blue eyes, ok I need to stop,I catch him look this way.

"Whats on your mind?" He asks

I shake my head "I jus can't believe that 'badboy' is hanging out with me" I say using air quotes.

This makes him laugh, ugh that laugh, "Who the fuck calls me that?" He asks

"The cheerleaders apparently" I say smiling

He rolls his eyes " that's just absurd to be honest"

"Is that right" he nods "and why's that"

" I mean don't get me wrong I smoke weed sometimes and I have the occasional hookup like everyone else but I don't consider that as being a badboy"

"Yea..... I don't either ..... seems pretty boring actually." I say smirking

"It can be" he says "you though.... You don't seem like a good girl at all" he laughs and so do I

"It's because im not" I say as he lays back stretching out on my bed

"And what exactly would make you a bad girl?" He asks

"Plenty of things" I say

"You don't seem so bad to me" he says looking at me

"That's because you don't know me" I say sitting up

" I want to though" he says smiling

" why would you wanna do something like that?" I asked genuinely curious

He shrugs sitting up getting closer to me " why not?"

"Because I'm not good for you" I say looking at

"I think that's my decision if you are or aren't" he says

I stay silent overthinking everything he just told me, I'm not actually considering this am I, I mean he's cute, and nice I guess, but I know his type and they're total players and I'm to violent for all that. I know I'm not right for him I'm a felon for Pete's sake, I'm sure his snobby family would surely disapprove like most parents do when they meet me. I'm so lost in my train of though I don't realize Xander getting closer to me until I feel his hand come under my chin, making me looks up at him.

Time feels like it stands still, his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips before leaning in and gently pressing his soft lips against mine. It takes me a second to react to his touch as he pull back for a second making me smile before he leans in again pressing his lips against mine. Our lips move in sync, he silently asks permission and I grant him access as I part my lips. Our tongues fighting each other for dominance,ultimately he wins.

When we pull apart we're both out of breath smiling at each other, he gently caresses the side of my face as he looks at me "I've wanted to do that since I met you" he admits

"So why didn't you?" I ask

"Your kind of intimidating" he says making me laugh "sooo... you wanna go out to eat or something?"

"Are you asking me on a date Xander?" I say raising an eyebrow

I see red appearing on his cheek as he smiles while he thinks about his answer for a second "yes... yes I am"

I bite my lip smiling as I nod "okay let's go" I say getting up and putting on my crop top hoodie and my air forces. He grabs my hand intertwining our fingers as we walk out of my room, I stop by Nate's room to tell him I'll be back but he's not in there as we get to the bottom of the stairs I tell him I need to tell Nate that I'm leaving. As we walk through the house hand in hand we hear light moaning coming from the family room, as we enter Nathan is sitting on the couch with a girl on top of him.

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