𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫.

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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I laid on the couch in the slatt house as Zion and I passed a blunt around back and forth. I let out a deep and shaky breath as I let myself feel all the affects of the weed. "Do you ever wish your life was different?" I asked Zion as we sat there alone.

We'd finished our runs for the day, we almost had to fight a group of kids that were trying to buy off of us but, I just flashed my gun and they kept it moving. I haven't used it in a while.

"Uh, yeah sometimes, I just wonder what life would be like if I wasn't involved in this life but- it's all I know, it's all I have, that's why I haven't went anywhere." He spoke honestly. Zion doesn't really go in depth about his family life, his struggles with addiction and all that unless he's talking to Tate and I. We've all been thick as theives.

My best friends grew up in the system as well. Zion was taken away from his family because they were drug dealers and gang members. Zion had witnessed more death and probably seen a lot of murders happen right before his eyes.

His dad was basically heartless, didn't care about anyone. His mom, she just went along with it because she had no way out, she had no money, she was hooked on drugs and her husband was the supplier.

They never really took care of Zion so, when the big bust came down, his father was shot and killed, his mom was arrested, his brothers left him, and he was put in the system where he met me.

Tate on the other hand, her mom was a drug addict and went a bit nuts so, she's in a psych ward upstate, she's probably never leaving that place so, since no one in Tate's family wanted her, she was put in the system. She had decent homes, she just wanted out.

I met her, obviously thought she was hot and then the three of us became attached at the hip so, when we all joined the Reckless Outlaws, it was kind of like our first shot at another family. We just never left because we made a pact.

No matter what happens in the gang, our main priority is protecting each other. If one of us stumbles, we'll pick them up. I know they'll forever have my back, as they have. I'll do the same for them.

They also know Kyler. When I was locked up, they'd go check on him, give him money, take him food, get him new clothes. I owe them my life. If it wasn't for Zion and Tate, and Lizzie of course, I'd probably be dead and who knows what would've happened to Kyler.

"Aye, I been meaning to ask you something." Zion said as he sat up and turned to me. "What's up?" I asked. He started laughing before asking me the question. "You still fucking Tate?" he continued laughing.

I nudged him as he began to crack cup with laughter. "It's a serious question! I really thought y'all were about to start dating or something, it would've made me feel like a third wheel." I smiled to myself as I shook my head. "We haven't since I came back but we did the night before I got arrested." I laughed making Zion cringe.

I sat back and couldn't help but be grateful for where I am right now. I know, the situation I'm in isn't all that good but, I have a chance to get Kyler back and I'm not in jail so, I consider that a win I just have to stay out of trouble.

𝐋𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"It's this one." I said as Aubrey and I searched for the house. Everything on this street is so weird. "Come on." I said as Aubrey and I walked up the steps to the door. I knocked and took a step back as I awaited an answer. "Hello." a little girl said as she opened the door. I couldn't help but to smile at how adorable she was.

"Hi is-"

"Lizzie?" I hear as I look up from the girl to see Kyler on the steps before his eyes widen and he comes rushing out the door and into my arms. I held him tightly knowing this was more than just a nice to see you hug. I let him hold on as I heard Darcy's voice. "Lizzie, Aubrey? Hi, how are you?" she asked as Kyler let go of me before moving over to say hi to Aubrey.

𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now