Chapter Six

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"Jack. So, where's Spot?" Racetrack asked. Jack sighed as he sat down next to him. "He was concerned about us being serious. You imagine that?"

"Well, Jack, maybe we ought to ease off a little.
Without Spot and the others, there ain't enough of us, Jack." Racetrack spoke.

"Maybe we're moving too soon. Maybe we ain't ready, you know?" Mush said agreeing with Racetrack.

"I definitely think we should forget about it for a little while." Skittery said.

"Oh, do ya?" Jack said sarcastically.


"Yeah, I mean, without Brooklyn... you know?" Racetrack said again. Making Annabeth look at David in shock, before saying something.

"Spot was right, is this just a game to you guys?" She asked, but nobody answered her.

David looked around before he began to start singing.

*song starts*

"Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us No one can make us
Give our rights away
Arise and seize the day!"

The other looked around. Before joining as well.

"Now is the time to seize the day
Send out the call and join the fray."

"Wrongs will be righted if we're united." Annabeth sang, standing next to her new best friend.

"Let us seize the day!
Friends of the friendless seize the day
Raise up the torch and light the way
Proud and defiant
We'll slay the giant
Let us seize the day."

"Neighbor to neighbor
Father to son
One for all and all for one!
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Neighbor to neighbor
Father to son!
One for all and all for one!"

The circulation bell begins to ring.

"Anybody hear that?" Jack asked. All of the Newsies yelled out in retaliation; "No!"

"So what are we gonna do about it?" Annabeth yells. "Soak 'em!"

The newsies and the scabbers have a stand off. 3 scabs join with the newsies, but then a bug scab comes up against Jack. He tries to get by, but can't. The newsies start soaking the scabs, who eventually run away. They tear up the newspapers. Jack starts making faces and blowing raspberries at Weasel, Oscar and Morris through the distribution window.

"I'm gonna crack your dome!" Morris yells out.

The tearing of newspapers continue. A delivery cart is pushed
onto it's side. Weasel calls for the cops, who enter blowing whistles.

"Cheese it! Cheese it, it's the bulls!" Jack yells out.

All the newsies run, except Crutchy, who doesn't notice.

"Crutchy! Scram! Scram!" Racetrack and Annabeth yell out to the boy.

Crutchy starts to leave, but is blocked in by cops. He turns to find the Delancey brothers behind him. They knock his crutch aside and drag him away. Denton has been watching all of this.

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