Chapter Eleven

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The newsies are picketing outside the World building.

"Stop the World! No more papes! Stop the World! No more papes!" The Newsies chanted.

The police form a barricade. Some of the newsies start to fight amongst themselves.

"Race! Help me! I need some help!" David called out.

"Alright! I ain't deaf!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Break it up. Hey,Jersey, Race, come here." Spot said, breaking up two little Newsies, before calling Annabeth and Race over.

Weasel leads Jack out. He's in a new suit.

"What?" They day to Spot.

"Just tell me I'm seeing things. Just tell me I'm seeing things." Spot said flabbergasted.

"No, you ain't seeing things. That's Jack. What's he doing?" Annabeth says, getting angry at her brother. As she sees Spot grips tighten on his cane. And Annabeth quickly, without thinking, grabs his free hand, rubbing comforting circles on the back of his hand.

"He's dressed like a scabber!" Spot said.

"Jack? Jack, look at me, will ya? Come on, it's
me, Mush. Look at me. What are you doin', Jack?" Mush said. Jack stayed out by Weasel.

And Weasel just grins at the Newsies.

"This ain't happening. This can't be happening.
What are you doin' Jack? Come on, what are you doin'?" Kid Blink adds on.

"Come on. What is this? Where'd you get them clothes?" Boots asked.

"Mr. Pulitzer picked them out himself. A special gift to a special new employee." Weasel says smugly. Man was he enjoying this.

"He sold us out!" Spot and Annabeth yell out in unison.

"I'll give you a new suit! You bum! I'll soak ya!" Race yells out.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let me get my hands dirty. Come here you dirty rotten scabber!" Spot yells, as the Newsies grip onto him.

But Annabeth and David glare at Jack.

"Aww. You two wanna talk to him? Come on, come on. Sure. Got right ahead." Weasel says, as the three all go somewhere where they can talk.

"So, this is why you didn't escape last night. You're a liar! You lied about everything. You lied about your father being out west, 'cause he's not out west! You didn't even tell me your real name!" David yells, squinting his eyes angrily.

"So? What you wanna do about it Dave? Gonna cry about it, Beth?" Jack sneers.

"I don't understand you." Annabeth spoke to him.

"Oh, so let me spell it out for ya Annabeth, all youse done was be another mouth to feed. I gotta look after me." Jack harshly spoke to his sister. Who was on the verge of tears. "You see, I ain't got nobody tucking me in at night, like you.I gotta look out for myself." He said to David.

"You had the newsies.." David said to him.

"Oh, what'd being a newsies ever give me but a dime a day and a few black eyes? You know, I can't afford to be a kid no more, Dave. For the first time in my life, I got money in my pockets. Real money. Money, you understand? I got more on the way and as soon as I collect, I'm gone, I'm away. Alright?"

"Well, that's good. That's good because we don't need you!" David yells out to him.

"We don't need you! All those words you said, those were mine, and David's." Annabeth added on.

"Yeah, but you never had the guts to put them across yourself, didja?" Jack asked.

"I do now." Annabeth said one last time.

Dave starts to go back to the newsies. But Annabeth turns to look at Jack again.

"What'sa matta? Got a problem?" Jack said to his sister.

Annabeth rushes towards Jack, but Weasel and a few policemen pull her away.

"Maybe you'd like a new suit of your own, huh?" Weasel asked her.

"Never! Never!"

"Get outta here! Get outta here!" He yells again.

"I'm not like you!" She yells before, she gets pushed back into the crowd of Newsies. Spot gets to her the quickest, and holds her by her waist to one; help her regain her balance. Two; for both his and her comfort. And three; to make sure both of them don't try and charge at them again.

The cops surround Jack so the newsies can't get him. The newsies watch him go.


"You make me sick!"

"I trusted you!"

"Seize the day, huh Jack?"

"He's foolin' 'em, so he can spy on 'em or
something. Yeah, yeah, that's it. He's foolin' 'em!" Les said, sounding like he was going to cry.

"Yeah, he's spying on then, kid." Race said to him.

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