Chapter Eight

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The newsies are in Tibby's. Denton enters with the paper.

"Hey fellas. Hey, hey! Big time."

"What you got there Jack?" Boots asked.

"Where's me picture? Where's me picture?" Spot asked, looking over Jacks and Annabeth's shoulders.

"What's that? That all about us?" Asked Boots.

"Look at that Jack. You look like a gentlemen." Mush laughed, pointing directly at Jack, making his sister laugh as well, which catches the attention of Spot.

"Will you get your fingers off me face?"

"Where does it say my name? Where's my name?" Spot says, still trying to see himself.

"Will you quit thinking about yourself?" Annabeth said, with a smirk on her face, once she saw the actual reason he wanted to see the picture.

On the paper, they both wore shocked expressions on their faces, his arm on her waist, hers on his shoulder, she was pretty much leaning on the boy.

They bit quickly made eye contact, Annabeth blushing slightly, as now it was his turn to wear a smirk, knowing why she was blushing.

However, this action did not go unnoticed by, Mush, Racetrack, and David. Jacks to busy looking at the paper to notice, Spot, and Annabeth, flirting with each other.

"You got us on the front page!" David said to Denton, as he was trying to eat his breakfast.

"You got yourselves on the front page. I just got to make sure you stay there." Denton answered David.

"So what. You get your picture in the papes, so what's that get you, huh?" Skittery said, ruining the mood a bit.

"What are you talkin' about?" Mush asked.

"Shut up, boy. You been in a bad mood all day!" Annabeth told the boy, coming to stand next to Mush, who was behind Skittery.

"Glum and dumb. What's the matta with you? You get your picture in the papes, your famous. Your famous, you get anything you want. That's what so great about New York!" Racetrack exclaimed, and Mush sat down in a chair and began singing.

*song starts*

"A pair of new shoes with matching laces."

"A permanent box at Sheepshed Races." Racetrack said, hitting his fist in his hand.

"A porcelain tub with boiling water." Spot sang. Making Annabeth, almost melt, hearing his singing voice for the first time. He holds a root beer, with a smirk on his face.

"A Saturday night with Kelly's sista!" Kid Blink raves. Making, Annabeth, Jack, Racetrack, David, and Spot, all glare at the boy.

"Look at me I'm the Queen of New York!
Suddenly I'm respectable
Staring right atcha
Lousy with stature." Annabeth sang, dancing on top of a table, also whacked a Newsie in the face with the Newspaper.

"Nubbin' with all the muckety-mucks
I'm blowin' my dough and goin' deluxe!" Jack sang leaning back on a table with the paper.

"And there I'll be
Ain't I pretty?" Annabeth wore a smug smirk and she sang, snatching the paper out of her brothers hand. Not noticing, Spots little nod he gave to answer her question.

"It's my city I'm the king(queen)of New York!" Jack and Annabeth sang together, as the other boys still tried to get the pape from the pair.

"A corduroy suit with fitted knickers." Boots sang.

"A mezzanine seat to see the flickers." Les adds on.

"Havana cigars that cost a quarter." Snipeshooter continued.

"An editor's desk for our star reporter!" David sang, kicking a chair, as Denton sits down unfolding the paper.

"Tip your hat
He's the King of New York!"

"How 'bout that?
I'm the King of New York!" Denton sang proudly.

"In nothing flat
He'll be covering Brooklyn to Trenton
Our man Denton."

"Making a headline out of a hunch." Kid Blink sang, stretching his arms out to the side.

"Protecting the weak." Denton adds on.

"And paying for lunch." Racetrack continued.

"When I'm at bat Strong men crumble." Denton sang.

"Proud yet humble." Race said, patting Denton on the shoulder.

"I'm/He's the King of New York!" Race and Denton sang together.

"I gotta be either dead or dreaming 'Cuz look at that pape with my face beaming Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it But I was a star for one whole minute! Starting now I'm the King of New York!"

"Ain't you hear? I'm the King of New York!" Denton cheers.

"Holy cow! It's a miracle Pulitzer's crying Weasel? He's dying! Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun I'm one hifalutin' sonuva gun! Don't ask me how Fortune found me Fate just crowned me Now I'm King of New York! Look and see Once a piker Now a striker I'm the Kin of New York! Victory! Front page story Guts and glory I'm the King of New York!"

The Newsies cheer and they gather around a table.

" So, let's have some ideas." Jack spoke.

"Well, we gotta show people where we stand." David pointed out to him.

"Yeah, so we gotta stay in the papes." Jack agrees with him.

"My paper's the only one printing any strike news so far." Denton spoke, making sure they all new that.

"So, we should do something that's so big the other papers'll feel stupid if they try to ignore us. Like a rally. A newsie rally with all the kids from all over New York. It'll be the biggest, loudest, noisiest blow-out this town's ever seen!" Annabeth spoke from beside Spot, using her hands to empathize her point. As Spot watches her in admiration.

"We'll send a message to the big boys." David said, agreeing with the girl he's grown to be close with.

"Geesh, I'll give 'em a message." Racetrack said, without any hesitation.

A waiter brings a tray of cokes. Each newsie grabs a glass.

"There's a lot of us, and we ain't going away. We'll
fight until damn Doomsday if it means we get a fair shake." Jack declares.

"Hey, guys. To our man Denton." David said, raising his glass in the air.

"Our man Denton!" Everyone cheered raising their glasses in the air.

David gave Annabeth a hug, and Spot did the same, catching both of them off guard. Before pulling away and smiling at each other.

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