Chapter Nine

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"So, did I spell it right, Kloppman?"

"Very good, very good."

Snyder enters and starts going through Kloppman's book.

"Excuse me. Can I help you?"

"You have a boy who calls himself Jack Kelly?And his little sister named Annabeth Kelly? I wish to see them." Snyder said.

"Jack Kelly?Never heard of him. Never
heard of him. Any of you boys ever hear of a Jack Kelly? Or Annabeth Kelly?" Kloppman said to the boys. In fake curiosity.

"That's an unusual name for these parts." Specs covers for them.

Jack and Annabeth enter, but Swifty stops them and points Snyder out to them.

"Oh, you mean Jack Kelly. Yeah,
he was here, but he put an egg in his shoe and beat it. I'se never heard of no, Annabeth Kelly." Racetrack said, sticking his cigar in his mouth.

"I have reason to believe he's an escaped prisoner, possibly dangerous. The both of them." Snyder said.

"Oh, dangerous? I better look in my files. This way please."

Kloppman distracts Snyder and Jack exits. The boys hold up signs to hide him.

"Give to the Newsies Strike fund, Mister?" Race said. As Snyder smugly gives him a coin.

The next morning, Sarah wakes up and looks
out the window. She sees Jack and Annabeth on the fire escape.

"Did you sleep out there all night?"


"Why didn't you wake us up?"

"Well, I didn't want to disturb nobody. Besides,
it's like the Waldorph out here. Great view. Cool air." Jack said, Annabeth nodding her head in agreement.

"Go to the roof." Sarah told them, Jack listens, but Annabeth leaves to go to Medda to get clothes for the rally.

Keeps her hair tucked under her cap, tightly.

Newsies are gathering outside Irving Hall. Inside, Jack, David, Annabeth, and Spot are on stage. Jack quiets everyone. Everyone wore their best clothes. The newsies being in their best pairs of pants, shirts, and suspenders.

Annabeth wore, a white blouse, with flowers embroidered on it, with a belt at the waist, and some black pants, with black boots, which she got from Medda. She also wore,light blue jewelry. She decided to let her light brown hair, fall free, with a bit tied in the back, showing off her looses waves.

Spot took notice of the girl, before quickly looking down, when he saw her glance towards him.

"Carryin' the banner!" Jack chants.

The Newsies stand and cheer for their leaders.

"So, we've come a long way, but we ain't there yet and maybe it's only gonna get tougher from now on. But that's fine, we'll just get tougher with it. But also, we gotta get smart and start listening to my pal David, who says 'stop soakin' the scabs'." Jack declares to all of them.

"What are we supposed to do to the bums? Kiss 'em?" Racetrack asked, Spot nodding in approval.

"Any scab I see I soak 'em. Period." Spot said earring cheers from other Newsies.

"No, no. That's what they want us to do.
If we get violent, it's just playing into their hands." David interjects.

"Hey, look. They're gonna be playing with my hands, alright. 'Cuz it ain't what they say, it's what we say. And nobody ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em." Spot declares again, as Newsies cheer louder.

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