Chapter 4

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Later that evening, long after most of the members left the house or dispersed to their bedrooms, Selenia roamed the halls sipping her vodka as she did almost every night.

While she was swinging the bottle back and forth in boredom. She stopped in her tracks when she heard hushed whispering. She set down the bottle and slipped off her slippers to remain silent as she crept towards the noise. The closer she got the more she could make out what was being said.

"Are you seriously going to let that monkey get away with what he did to our father?! Family is everything in this world, you know that!"

"I know but I just don't think right now is the best time, it'll be obvious it was us. Even if no one else cares we'll at least have Matteo to worry about!"

A smile crept on Selenia's face hearing the words pour out of who she could only assume to be Alonzo's sons. She never bothered to learn their names. Not like it mattered now. She was giddy finally finding something to do with her night. She also didn't have to worry about a boring lecture from Matteo for it.


The morning after the meeting Elios woke up with a pounding headache. Remembering he had one too many last nights trying to calm his frustration with what transpired yesterday evening.

Elios begrudgingly left his room not bothering to dress properly. Leaving him in his black sweats and socks. He headed for the kitchen to get breakfast when he heard a commotion coming from the foyer.

Confused he redirected himself to see about ten of his members all staring at the second-story balcony, he made his way to the crowd and turned to see what all this was about.

CW: gruesome content in detail

Two men hung dead from the balcony. But they weren't just hung, and they weren't just dead. They were strung up in the pose Jesus was in when he died on the cross. It was clear that they had no organs inside their body, seeing that they both had massive holes in their stomach/chest.

Elios winced at the gruesome sight and studied it further. Neither of the men had a speck of blood on them, nor was there any in the foyer. It appeared that they had been drained of their blood before their organs were removed. The thought made his stomach curl at the slow death.

However, what caught his attention next made his knuckles turn white with anger.
Carved into both the men's foreheads were letters. On the first man "Racist" was itched in and on the other "Traitors". Racist Traitors. Elios turned to the man standing next to him, not knowing his name but didn't bother


"Who are these guys?" He asked

"Alonzo's boys."

Elios didn't know what the fuck was going on or who did this. He wasn't sure what pissed him off more, that there were more racist fucks in this house, or that someone killed them without his permission or knowledge.

Elios stormed out of the foyer towards the dining hall, which was nearly full at this hour for breakfast. The hall contained one long table that held about 30 members at a time. The head of the table was not being taken as it was for him to sit at. He strolled in silencing the room with his presence. Sitting down, a maid tabled his breakfast. After he muttered a quiet thanks she scurried back to the kitchen.

He eyed all the members rubbing his fingers over his chin in thought. Who would have done that? Glancing at Matteo on his right, he wondered if his brother would do such a thing. But quickly dismissed the thought. Matteo would never go behind his back and he was more of a gun guy. Simple point and shoot. Whoever did that twisted display was fucked up.

As if the world was sending Elios a clue. A certain short vixen walked in, her hair in a long french braid, her curved ass hidden by a massive t-shirt she wore. Finally, Elios's eyes met her feet and a small smile snuck on his lips at the fluffy white bunny slippers. What irony he thought. But his smile quickly left his face as a thought crossed his mind.

As if sensing his friend's question Matteo turned to the girl who was now sitting across from him, she had a book open while she spooned her cereal into her mouth. Lucky charms were Selenias favorite.

"Selenia, do anything fun last night?" Matteo questioned leaning back in his chair and crossing his bulky arms. It was rare Matteo was this serious, but he knew how Elio's mind worked.

Selenia looked up from her book with a bored expression. She set the book on the table and finished her bite

"Oh Matteo baby, I promise I had a reason this time." She pouted in fake sarcasm. It was true. She did have a reason and she thought she made it clear when she carved the words into the racist traitors. After all, everyone knew how much she hated men who felt false superiority. Selenia all but confirmed she had killed the men.

"I want you in the office when you finish your breakfast" Eliso demanded. He got up and stormed out of the room. He hated that she felt so entitled and couldn't care less about her actions.

Elios was standing in the office Matteo let him take over for the time being. He has since changed out of his pajamas and now wore black suit pants, dress shoes, and a white button-up that had the top few buttons undone, and the sleeves rolled up. His usual jewelry adorned his body.

"How fucking long does it take to eat cereal!" he was pissed that he had time to get ready for the day and was still the first person here. Finally, the door slowly opened revealing an unbothered Selenia.

"Sit" he demanded. Selenia snapped her eyes to his face. She hated to be told to do anything. She wanted to cut his tongue off, but she decided to see what he had to say, who knows, it could be fun. So she plopped herself in the chair bringing her feet too so her arms rested over her knees.

"What's up" she popped the p, tilting her head to the side a little while looking up at him.

From Elios's spot leaned up against the front of his desk only inches from a seated Selenia he could see almost all the details on her. He studied her for a moment before responding.

"I was told you normally get free reign around here, but while I'm visiting I expect to be ASKED before taking action on anything, especially when it involves internal matters"

Selenia tsked at his comment. This was not going to be amusing at all she concluded.

"I did you a favor, Donny. Honestly, it was a win-win. I got to play, and I also saved your ass from a cope of racists." She played with his Don title like it held no meaning.

"I don't care what you think little girl" He bent down to stare her in the eye, "I run shit here. You follow my orders or you're out" he was pissed. She knew just how to push his buttons and it made it even worst that she acted too unbothered and innocent about it all.

"Are you mad I didn't let you have any fun with them? Is that it? Would you like to play with me next time" She placed her knees down and leaned forward so they were inches from each other. She wanted to see how far she could press his buttons. Elios nearly lost it. Before she could react he had his hand around her throat gripping it tightly. Her breath hitched at the abruptness. But she wasn't bothered, in fact, she always enjoyed a hand around her throat.

Elios then pulled his gun out of his waistband putting it to her head right above her eyebrows and he cocked the gun. Looking down expecting to see fear or at least anger, he was taken back by her demeanor. Gone was the cocky bitchy who kept under mining him, now sat a girl, looking up at him through her lashes, her big green eyes looking at him with adoration. Her lips were parted and her chest heaved with anticipation. For Selenia, no man has ever treated her this way. She had finally met her match and it exhilarated her. She waited to see what he would do, only to feel disappointment when he put his gun away and stormed out of the room, leaving her breathless, confused, and angered that she almost submitted to a man.

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