Chapter 28

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Would y'all care to see an irl photo of what I think the two mains look like? Or y'all don't care/ it would ruin your imagination?

It's a long and more serious chapter. Strap in.

Selenia and Elio were snuggled up in their shared room, under warm blankets. It had been a long day planning the trip to Russia.

Elio has been stressing about the upcoming war for a while now. Not to mention that he is keeping three men he hates as guests. He has to see them at least twice a day for meals.

The two were exhausted, dead to the world, or at least they seemed to be. Selenia heard the floor creak several feet from the bed, she knew exactly what spot it was, having surveyed the room when she first got there.

Now awake and alert, she felt the air still. She could tell Elio had woken up too because she could hear his heart rate pick up under her head, which lay upon his chest. They both steadied their breathing to appear as though they were still asleep.

Straining their ears to hear any other type of movement, they sat silent for a few moments. Then they smelt cologne. They both jumped into action reaching for their respective side tables to grab their weapons. The second Selenia gripped her knife she felt an intense blow to her temple and she was out cold once more.


Selenia woke up cold. The first thing she noticed was how cold the room was. She felt the hard, damp floor and smelt the air which wreaked of mildew, and human waste. Her brain started thinking in overdrive, trying to figure out where the hell she was. But she knew of no place that smelt and felt like this.

Chancing it, Selenia opened her eyes slowly. Her head pounded in pain making it hard for her eyes to accept any light and focus on any object. Once she was able to focus she sat up immediately, increasing the pain in her head.

She lay on the ground of some type of cell. The floors and walls were stone and the door was wooden with a square window that viewed into the hall beyond that was blocked off by iron poles.

From out the window (which she had to hold herself up to see out of properly) she wasn't able to see much. There was a room across from her. Their door looked the same, and a single bulb hung in the hall. 

She didn't want to alert her captors she was conscious before she was able to take in all of her surroundings.

Seeing as there wasn't much of a view she turned back to look at her cell. Nothing but a bucket stood before her. Which she assumed was meant for as a toilet.

She saw a few blood stains as well with some other unidentifiable ones scattered across the ground and lower part of the wall.

For about 20 minutes Selenia tried to find a stone block loose or something that may help her. But there was nothing.

She began to grow frustrated. No one has come to see her and she couldn't find a way out.

So she resorted to her last option-

"Hello?!" she said, not quite, but she didn't scream either.

"Selenia!? Is that you?" a familiar voice sounded.

Selenia rushed over to her window and pulled herself up, in the window across from her Alessia appeared. Her makeup was all smudged. It looked like she was crying.

"Oh thank god! Where are we?! What happened?" Alessia frantically asked Selenia.

"I don't know, I was sleeping with Elio when someone snuck into our room. We tried to attack but they got to us first. Then I woke up here."

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