Chapter 9

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Selenia was left in her room alone, the morphine wearing off as the night goes on. She had tried her best all day not to think about this, but getting shot reminds her alot of the time before she joined the mafia.

She never talked about her life before, even when the old capo had her tortured to see if she was a spy, she never cracked and he gave up. Not having the heart to kill the little 12 yr, old girl.

Since she has been in this house she never really felt such harsh pain, she's always been stronger than her opponent. He always made her of that. Since she could walk she was trained ruthlessly. Selenia hated how the old memories still haunted her. She hates that she was so weak and that he hurt her so bad.

Selenia lay in bed looking at the ceiling, tears brimming her eyes thinking of the pain she endured as a kid. Selenia tried her hardest to shake away the dark feelings and go to bed. Her body was so spent it didn't take long.

However, with fresh reminders of her past, the familiar nightmares reappeared after years of silence. She woke up sweating, panting, and near tears. She doubled checked every corner to make sure he wasn't there.

That's how the next few days went, Elio would provide her company most of the time, being annoying by treating her like a child, trying to help her with everything. And when he left, she was plagued with nightmares that startled her awake.

Tonight was no different, she woke in tears, she was shaking in fear of her memories, ones she tried so hard to push down, lock up, never see again. Selenia couldn't calm her breathing, she felt like she was having a panic attack. She had no idea what to do, she was scared and so fucking tired. She got maybe ten hours of sleep since she's been shot. Just one peaceful night is all she wishes for.

Selenia rips the comforter off her sweaty body, revealing the oversized shirt she stole from Matteo a couple of years ago. With much strength, she lifted herself out of bed. Normally Elio was here to help if she needed to get out of bed for anything. But not she was utterly alone in the dark with her nightmares fresh on her mind.

Luckily the past few days her wound was healing well, but it still hurt like a bitch. Selenia used the wall for support, stumbling out of her room and into the dark halls. She felt like a little bitch, scared that he would jump out from every corner and take her back to that place.

She couldn't make it to Elio's room faster. She had no other idea, he had said if she needed him she could visit. She hoped it was a genuine offer. After stopping many times on the stairs to catch her breath, she finally made it in front of his door.

Contemplating entering she slowly opened the door.

"Elio?" she whispered while sliding in through the cracked door, slowly shutting git behind her.

"Selenia? What are you doing up? Are you okay?" Elio responded, his voice raspy making Selenia cry at the thought that she woke him. This was such a terrible idea. She felt so vulnerable, and in front of him of all people. And he was her boss on top of everything.

"Well, I- Uhm. I-" She couldn't say it. She couldn't admit she was scared of something. She was supposed to be fearless, ruthless, but here she was, in some man's room she barely knows, wanting to sleep with him to feel safe. She hated herself.

Elio studied her in the dark for a moment, watching her form shift on her feet, she looked everywhere but him. He knew. He knew she wouldn't ask for help, but she made it this far, she came to his room because of something. That thought put a small smile on his lips. She trusted him if only a little.

"Come here," Elio whispered while pulling back the sheets on his king bed. Selenia hesitated for a moment before slowly making her way over. She climbed into the sinfully soft bed, it was warm thanks to the heat radiating off of the chunk of a man next to her.

Selenia settled into bed but still couldn't get the painful memories to go away. They were the only people she was scared of. The only people who ever hurt her. She was traumatized. As if sensing her discomfort and need, Elio placed a hand under her shoulder and one under her legs and gently lifted her, dragging her up against his body, careful not to hurt her wound in the process.

Selenia was stiff at first, his hard body pressed against her back, not to mention he moved his arm, which was bigger than her thigh, across her body caging her in. But then she realized how content she felt. She felt safe, blacked off from the world by this big hulky teddy bear. She relaxed and snuggled into his embrace, accepting the comfort that came with his presence.

The pair both had the best night's sleep either of them had in a long time.


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Selenia woke up to the sunrise beaming on her face, she was wrapped in a cocoon of warmth while she watched the dust particles float through the sunlight.

Her brows furrowed as she remember the previous night. She wasn't sure how she felt being in his arms, needing to seek his comfort to feel safe. She always hated men, hated how they thought they were entitled to everything, including women's bodies. She hated how they thought they were superior to women, stronger than women. Yet here she was, wrapped in a man's arm because she wasn't strong enough to deal with her problems on her own. She was weak.

Selenia failed to realize the man behind her woke a few minutes prior. Elio could practically hear to cogs turning in her head, and knowing her it was something negative.

"It's okay to need help sometimes. We all need someone" he whispered in her ear. His breath caused her to shiver. 'He was right, wasn't he? You can't live your life on your own. But, that's not how she was raised, she was raised better than that. She needed no one.' she thought to herself.

Elio grabbed Selenia's shoulder and turned her over so she was on her back. He propped himself up on his elbow so he was looking down on her. He cupped her face and studied her. Looking into her eyes, surprisingly he wasn't meant with a void. He saw her hesitation, pain, confusion, and hurt all swirling around in her little body. It made him frown. Why wouldn't she let anyone in?

Selenia looked up at Elio while he looked at her as if he could see right through her. She looked into his eyes which, now in the sun, looked like sparkling honey. She looked at him, really looked. 'Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad, to have someone.' she thought.

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