Marinette couldn't take it anymore. The pressure of being ladybug, Lila and Chloe's bullying.. She feels like her friends are hanging out behind her back... Adrien's rejection pushes her over the edge. It's summer and she's going to Gotham for her h...
I wake up to the sound of my alarm and Tikki yelling into my ear.
Tikki : Marinette! You're going to be late! Get up!
Marinette : What time is it!?
Tikki : It's half seven!
Shit! I only have half an hour to get to school.
I jump out of bed and run to my closet. I grab an outfit I had picked out last night in case this happened. I'm wearing a short bla k jean skirt with an orange-ish over-sized t-shirt tucked into it as well as a pair of black converse.
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I brush my teeth, tie my hair up into a messy bun and apply a little makeup before running downstairs with my bag.
Marinette : Morning Papa! Morning Mama! See you after school!
I run out the door and make it to school just in time. The bell rings as I sit down. I made it...
Alya : Did you oversleep again girl?!
Marinette embarrassed : You know me...
Alya : Did you ask your parents about the sleepover? We need to do something before you go to Gotham! *starts whispering* Maybe you can finally tell you know who...
She starts wiggling her eyebrows at me. I can feel blood rush to my cheeks as I let out a nervous laugh.
Alya : I'm being serious girl... We only have one year of school left and I want you to be happy... You're busy all the time and we barely get to hang out! I want to be there when you two finally get together.
I can't believe the year is nearly over. La Première est finie. It's our last week of school. This school year has been hard on me. Between exams, commissions and being Ladybug, I haven't had a chance to relax. I barely have time for my friends anymore. We haven't hung out in ages. I miss them hanging out with them... Hopefully Sunday's sleepover will change that.
Marinette : I'll try, OK?
Alya let's out a sigh and smiles at me before turning to look at the board. I do the same.
Because it's the last day of school and we are in the middle of a heatwave, we spend most of our time watching movies and playing games. I didn't want to be late today because we're watching one of my favorite movies this morning.
°Time skip°
The lunch bell just rang and I'm getting my stuff for lunch. My friends already went to the cafeteria, leaving me alone in the classroom with Lila.
Why did they leave?
Lila : I heard you're having a Sleepover on Sunday at Alya's with Nino and Adrien...