Chapter 2: The Monster

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Night time has arrived. The pale crescent moon shone like a shivery claw in the night sky. The night's familiar cool atmosphere had a questionable scent of warm lake water. It brought such a silence that the crackle of the campfire was all that could be heard. Flames sent red sparks dancing upwards into the breeze.

"Okay class, let's take this time to sit by the campfire and relax while roasting some marshmallows." Ms. Jones grinned at her classmates

The brown-haired woman went to her backpack to search for more supplies. The class had an awkward silence going on. Nobody wanted to speak to the music club or Drew. One particular person thought the silence was getting too off and started to make a conversation.

"Isn't it great to end our first day of camping with a small snack before bed?" Stacy spoke.

"I guess..." Sadie replied

"I have an idea to pass the time!"

"What is it Daisy?" Hailey questioned the white-haired girl

"Let's tell scary stories! Every time people camp always have scary stories" Daisy suggested.

"Ooh, I'll start!" Henry raised his hand

"God here we go..." Drew rolled his eyes

"For once, I actually agree with you." Zander chewing on his roasted marshmallow, laying his head on Luke's shoulder

"One time, I was watching Tales of Haruki and Lettuce-Chan. There was this episode when Haruki was moving to a new city and he'll be leaving his best friend, Lettuce-Chan behind forever. It was such a heartbreaking moment!" Henry's eyes filled to the brim with tears
(If you guys know who these two are and where they're from, then I'll Stan you )

Every else looked at him confused

"WHY HARU?! WHYYYYYY!!!" Henry yelled his life out in the sky.

"Dude, you really need to stop watching that series if you're gonna cry over Haru leaving Lettuce-Chan." Liam facepalmed.

"And that's not even a scary story for goodness sake." Milly chimes in with Liam.

"Bet your story isn't as scary as mine pink-haired devil." Henry tried to argue with Milly

"Bro bet! I'll tell y'all my scary story."

"Once upon a time, there was this nurse who worked in a medical health facility. A person went to the hospital for—"

Milly was telling her scary story until a strange black figure dropped down on top of the campfire. His eyes were bleached white with no pupils. His mouth was shaped into a grin with flowing blood on it. The high schoolers jumped from their seats terrified.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Drew nearly falling out from the log.

"EVERYONE RUN!!" Hailey shouted as she ran off into the woods.

The Music Club saw their president running away and followed right behind her. Jake knew it doesn't matter who he goes with, he just need to get out of there, so he ran with his music friends.

"JAKE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Drew called out for him

"DREW IT'S NOT THE BEST TIME JUST RUN!!" Lia replied while running.

The Dromies ran off into the woods along with Daisy, Stacy, and Sadie right behind them. Everyone left the campsite as fast as they did, all but one.

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