Chapter 1: Welcome to Specky Woods

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By the way, This story takes place between Ep.6 and Ep.7 from the original series

Thursday afternoon, nothing but straight-up trees for miles. The school bus have been on the road for approximately four hours and everyone on board was quiet. Every single person fell asleep, except for two people. The bus driver of course and Jake.

Jake couldn't sleep due to the hard leather seats making his comfort decrease. The only thing he could hear is Drew and his classmates snoring lightly and the motors running from the bus. He still can't get over that the music club was on with him. I mean it was sort of self-explanatory since most of the music club was in his classes.

He turned back from his seat, looking at the back, seeing his friends cuddling with each other. One seat at the top left has Milly leaning her head on Sean's shoulder.

Right behind them at the bottom left had Luke and Zander. Luke's arm was cuddling around his Zander, slightly blushing. He was surprised that Zander can sleep in a moving vehicle

At the top right seat had Sadie, Stacy, and...


Jake completely forgot about Daisy was on this trip too. But for some reason, every time he thinks or talks about her, he doesn't blush. He usually goes coo coo crazy whenever Daisy just says "Hi" but he's not feeling this way at all. Is he moving on from Daisy? Is he catching feelings for someone else? It makes no sense...

Who could he possibly be falling in love with?

He keep glancing at the music club plus the student council until he look at the bottom right seat was Hailey. Only Hailey. She sat there, slouching her head against the window. Why is she look...

How do you say it again?


Jake's face grew on a river of blush. There's way that Hailey can't be his lover. He had a crush on Daisy since middle school and that hasn't changed, yet it kinda did. After he joined the music club, he started to develop feelings for Hailey, but he doesn't know if he still likes Daisy or Hailey.

"Should I try to talk to Hailey? Yet she might not even wake up" He thought to his self.

For a unspecific amount of minutes, he finally had made his decision. He is going to try to talk to Hailey.

"Drew is definitely gonna kill me, but he won't found out if I went back to my seat right after I'm done."

Jake slowly bended his legs up and stepped over Drew's legs without tripping. Thankfully, the bus driver was too focused on the road that they didn't look up at the mirror, but Jake was still nervous. He wasn't supposed to be out of his seat. He leaned down his upper body and quietly making his way to Hailey's seat.

Jake made it at Hailey's seat and slowly sat down right next to her. He positioned himself to his comfortable way and sighed in relief. He peeked over at Hailey and noticed how peaceful she was. Her bright teal hair was flowing all over her from the cool breeze from the upper window above her.

Jake took his index finger and poked at Hailey's shoulder.

"Psst! Hailey!"

He tried not to whisper out loud so the others couldn't hear me. He kept poking at her shoulder until he felt a slight of movement. Hailey raised her left arm and rubbed her eyes as she groaned.

"Ugh What do you want Zander...?" She said

She didn't hear a respond from his step-brother. She lifted her head up and saw a pair of brown, round, eyes, locking into her soft, gray eyes.

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