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~Jake's POV~

September 29th, 2022
Friday Night
8:31 PM
"Dear Diary..."

"Today was rather a fun day with the music club after school. We had a great time at the local amusement park near Rosemeadow square. We rode some of the best rollercoasters, participated in apple bobbing, ate seasonal snacks, and watched an annual play. We never had this much fun in months and honestly, it's been great! But something was on my mind for the last couple of days, that time we went camping. It has been about two weeks since the incident and it spread all around school and on the news. You would not believe what you missed from that event and trust me, it was a lot to handle..."

Flashback: Two Weeks Ago
~No one's POV~

—————————————————————————————————————-Flashback: Two Weeks Ago ~No one's POV~

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"Ms...Jones?!" Hailey's mouth dropped

"Yep, it's me!!" The teacher swoop down from a helicopter

"You're alive?! B-But how?"

"After I got passed out, I knew you guys needed help so I left the campground to get the rescue team. The reason why is because I doubt whatever that thing is, it will kill me first." Ms. Jones described her story

"Well, that explains a lot..." Drew had to admit

"Are you mad at us?" Stacy questioned

"No I'm not mad at you, I gotta say that was brave and outstanding of y'all for working together in peace to overcome challenges that have impacted this area. I'm willing to give every single one of you a passing grade for this camping trip for cooperation and hard work."

"No way, really?!" Lia in shocked

"Thank you so much Ms. J!" Milly thanked the teacher

"No problem, I am so proud of you!!" She spoke up

"But, there is one thing, what exactly do we do now?" Luke asked

"Don't worry class, the rest of the rescue team will be coming here to investigation and the bus driver is on his way to pick us up so we can head back home." Ms. Jones explained


~Jake's POV~

"My friends and I waited for the bus to take us home safely. We went through so much together, from the monster frightening us, bear traps scattered everywhere, escaping an underground cave, and three people getting kidnapped out of nowhere. Wondering what happened next diary?"

"The police explored Specky Woods and ended up shutting down the whole campsite to provoke any more incidents that may occur again. People all over the city heard about it and they felt a mixture between terrified and surprised. Never in a million years when a group of desperate teens survived for three days straight."

"Speaking of the monster, it disappeared from the woods after the police closed it and it was never seen ever again."

"With my friends, Hailey and Drew decide to make it official and made up for their troubles. They got along very well and became great friends. Both of my friends used to hate each other for what Drew did for years, but that all changed, thanks to Daisy for the truce. Ms. Jones took Lia, Milly, and Stacy to the hospital to recover from the trip and they're healed well without no problems."

"After we were back in Rosemeadow, I ran to my house where I found my mom, my dad, and my little brother."



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Jake's mom gave her older son a heartwarming hug, along with his dad and little Jacob joining in.

"We saw the news!" Jake's father mentioned

"We're so glad that you're safe!" Jake's mom put both of her hands on her son's face

"I missed you so much big brother, I was alone." Jacob sobbed

"I missed you too buddy." Jake rubbed his hair

'Son we tried several times to call you but you didn't pick up." His father remembered

"I didn't because there wasn't any service, I'm so sorry." Jake apologized

"It's okay, what matters is that you're safe." Jake's dad patted his back

"Now, who wants to bake cookies?" Jake's mom asked

"Ooh! I do! I do!" Jacob jumped up and down

"You wanna help us, Jake?" His father glanced at the younger boy

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'll help!"


~Jake's POV~ (for the last time)

"Life felt great, I'm glad to see my family again and my friends were making up. Everything was back to normal as the way it was and I was relieved from all the drama. I should probably go to bed before my mom barges in and asks what I'm up to. All the best will share more of my experiences tomorrow. Good night Diary."

- Jake Sterling


Or is it?


A/N: Really short epilogue 😮‍💨

But this book is officially now marked as "completed" for the first time on my account. I just want to say thank you to everyone who supported this fanfic. I've been working all day and night, writing this and adding edited pictures for my wonderful readers on Wattpad and Discord (in Rosyclozy's server). I'm actually proud with this book and how much I improved in the last 10 months. I may not be the best writer but I tried my best to make this possible. There is a possiblity that I may write fanfics from the other Roblox games (Like Camping 2/3, Hotel, and Mansion) or I might come up with a different one. I also may continue "Stranded" since it has over 2,000 reads and I really want to finish it.

Guess that's all, I love you guys so so much and thank you for the support!! 💕💕💕💕

927 words

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