Chapter 6: The Missing Son..?

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The sun rose down beyond the trees of Specky Woods and the sky went pitch black. Stars were gazing throughout the navy blue and the cool breeze was flowing, giving everything a peaceful atmosphere. At least there weren't any storm clouds that would ruin the day, but soon it hit rock bottom.

The group, Luke, Stacy, Daisy, and Sean, told the others about their conservation with the rescue team and they were terrified. Not only do they have to stay for another night, but they have to overcome the monster once again when they barely escaped the cave alive. They were both prepared and scared of the dangers lurking in the dark. They were all just sitting around the campfire, trying not to lose their minds.

"Why do I have a feeling that we're being watched?" Daisy rubbed both of her arms for warmth

"You feel that way?' Hailey questioned

"Yeah, I feel like something's gonna go wrong."

"Don't be too scared, we'll be fin—"

Unexpectedly, the fire blew away from the wood quickly, making the campfire go out. The campsite became extremely gloomy without any form of light going on.

"What just happened?!"

"The flame went out!"

"I can't see anything!"

"Who did this?!"

"Ow! You stepped on my foot!"

"Guys!! Do not panic!!"

Out in the darkness, someone or something walked up to three of the high schoolers, grabbing them from behind. Those particular people tried to break their way out, but couldn't when they were being dragged away.

"AHH!! Guys! Help us—MMPHH!!!"




The flames on the campfire lit the campground back up again. The teenagers were finally able to see again, but they instantly realized that three of their friends were missing.


"OUR FRIENDS, THEY'RE GONE!!" Hailey retorted

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Drew asked

"WE DON'T KNOW DREW!!" Zander asserted

"I WAS JUST CURIOUS DAMN!!" Drew argued back

"EVERYONE!! CHILL OUT!!" Jake yelled at his friends

They all glanced at the blonde-red-haired boy in shock. Jake has never snapped like that in his whole life, but he knows things won't be any better if his friends are wasting time screaming at each other. Whatever just happened, it was quick and no one didn't see anything. Jake took a deep breath and calmly said.

"Okay, before we start to freak out, Zander and Hailey? Please explain what you witness as fast as you can"

"I was sitting right next to Luke when the fire went out. I felt this hard thing back my legs which I bet someone was next to me, and they grabbed Luke." Zander explained

"And Milly and Sean were near me for a second and they grabbed them too," Hailey responded

"But we need to find them!"

"Hailey, it'll be dangerous..." Stacy spoke

"I know it's gonna be dangerous, but my friends are out there, all alone!!"

"If we don't start looking now, then who knows what could happen to them?!"

Hailey didn't recognize that she was yelling at the others like they are the ones who kidnapped them. She stood there, ashamed of herself, until her soft, gray eyes filled with clear tears. She instantly dodged their sight to avoid any embarrassment she may be causing.

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