Chapter 4: Caved In

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Time for the Platonic Ships to happen

⚠️Emetophoia and Mentions of Blood⚠️

After hours of work, the evening sun cast long shadows on the grassy ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm tinge to the sky. Right after the sun flew below the trees, a blanket of stars appeared in the navy-blue atmosphere that stretched to infinity.

Big, fluffy, gray clouds surrounded the stars and lightning cracked the sky, sending heavy winds and dripping rain onto Specky Woods. Tonight was going to be another stormy night.

"You know, it was smart of you for us to come in here." The purple-haired boy was surprised about his sister.

"Thank you, Zander...I'm actually glad we're all together." She admitted

"Really? Do you think we should give Drew a chance,  I still feel like he's up to something." Zander crossed his arms

"I know Drew isn't the best person to be with, but we already have something in our minds to deal with. The last thing we would have witnessed is a painful death in a campground."

"Hmm, I'm not sure."

"Please Zander, do it for our lives, do it for your boyfriend, do it for me..." She pleaded with her puppy eyes

Zander still dislikes Drew for what he did for a long time, but he understood the situation that he and everyone else and their lives are on the line. He didn't have much of a choice but to listen to Hailey.

"Alright, fine. I'll give him a chance, but only one."

"Thank you, Zander." Hailey hugged her brother

Zander's face formed a little smile and went ahead and hugged her back

"I gotta say, you two make great siblings." Jake adored at the Zailey duo

"Of course they do!" Milly adored with Jake

"And we make a great family." Luke added on

"That too." Hailey agreed with the drummer

"Looks like you get along pretty well..." Drew dodge the music club's sight

"Hey, Don't feel down Drew. We all could get along well too." Jake comforted him

"Yeah, we might be able to start over if we can." Sean helped Jake out

"Thanks..." Drew had rather a disappointed look

Without notice, a suspicious growling sound happened. The teenagers stopped and listen to it. What is that commotion?

"What was that?!" Henry gasped

"Is it Bigfoot?!" Liam panicked

"No, sorry guys. It was my tummy." Daisy put her hand on it

"Ooooh, someone's lover is famished~" Milly bumped her elbow at Jake

"Oh shut up Milly." Jake blushed a little

"You're fine Dais, It happens to all of us." Hailey said

"As a matter of fact, I'm hungry too, but the problem is that we have nothing to eat." Stacy's stomach rumbled too.

"I checked our backpacks earlier and there was nothing, which is strange because I and Luke packed some snacks days ago." Zander mentioned

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