Chapter One

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Age One
Sirius stands outside the Potter's destroyed house on Halloween, holding a one year old Harry close as he starts to fall to sleep. Hagrid arrives and walks over "Sirius?" he asks. "Hagrid, what are you doing here?" Sirius asks. "Dumbledore asked me to come collect Harry. He wants him to go live with Lily's sister, Petunia, and her husband and son." Hagrid explains. "What? No! Harry is coming home with me. James and Lily always said that if something happened they wanted Remus and I to take him in. Harry is NOT going to live with those horrid people." Sirius extorts. "I know this is hard Sirius-" Hagrid starts. "Hard? Hard? My best friends are dead! James... James is... he's dead! So is Lily! I am not letting their only child go and live with people he doesn't know!" Sirius exclaims, holding Harry close to him. Just then there is a loud crack making the two of them turn to see Remus walk over, freezing when he sees the state of the house "Pads..." he trails off. Sirius rushes over to him "They're gone Moony. They're gone." he tells him. Remus cries and hugs Sirius, careful not to squash Harry "Sirius, Remus... I have to take him to Dumbledore." Hagrid tells them. "Like Hell you are! He belongs with us!" Remus glares. Hagrid sighs "I can't take him from you but Dumbledore is not going to be happy." Hagrid tells them. "I don't care what Dumbledore feels! He hasn't just lost his best friends! Harry is the only family Sirius and I have left, he is not going anywhere!" Remus tells Hagrid. "I'll tell him what you said. I can't promise he won't come to you himself though." Hagrid tells them. "Just let him try to take him." Sirius glares.

Hagrid nods and heads off, Sirius and Remus look at each other "Let's get him home." Remus suggests. Sirius sighs "We need to tell Moody about Peter being the secret keeper. He betrayed us." he responds. "We'll send him a patronus when we get home. For now Harry needs a bed and warmth." Remus tells him. Sirius nods and looks at the house one last time before holding Remus' hand so they can apparate back home. Once home Sirius takes Harry up to his bedroom, that he has for when he stays over, and lies him in his cot "I'll be right downstairs Prongslette. I'm not letting anything else happen to you." he tells the sleeping baby before heading downstairs. Remus turns "I've sent a patronus to Moody." he tells him. Sirius nods in response and sits down on the sofa, running his hands through his hair before leaning back "Why would Peter do this to us?" he suddenly asks. Remus sighs and joins him "I don't know Siri." he responds, running a hand down his face. Before either of them can say anything there's a knock on the door, Sirius jumps up and pulls his wand out. He walks over and opens the door a crack "Who is it?" he asks. "Alastair Moody, you and Remus asked me to be your Ministry witness at your wedding last year. You had it in your back garden with only close friends." Moody responds.

Sirius opens the door fully and lets Moody in the house "I heard what happened at the Potter's house." Moody says, sitting down in the armchair. "It was Peter, we secretly changed the secret keeper. James and I... we thought it was a good plan. We thought that Voldemort was more likely to come for me. We had no idea that Peter was a traitor." Sirius explains. "He betrayed us all." Remus sighs. Moody nods "I'll get a task force together, we'll start hunting him down. For now you two need to focus on the Potter boy, he needs you both to look after him." he tells them. "Dumbledore is trying to take him to Lily's sister." Sirius tells him. Moody glares "I'll talk to him. The Potter boy needs to stay with you both, with people who care. He shouldn't go to the muggles, we all know what Lily's sister is like. God knows what they'd put the kid through." he assures them. Sirius nods "Thank you Moody." he responds. Moody stands up "I better go set up that task force. I will keep you both up to date." he tells them. Remus stands up and lets Moody out before joining Sirius on the sofa, wrapping his arms round him as he does so. Sirius leans into him as he feels tears begin to fall, feeling Sirius begin to cry Remus does the same. The two of them sit there holding each other as they cry for the lose of their best friends, two dead and one a traitor.
/* /* /* /*
As the months go by Remus and Sirius get into a routine with having Harry around, knowing what time he wakes up every morning, what he likes for breakfast on different days, when he goes to bed and what stories he likes for bedtime. They both work together on keeping Harry as safe a possible, making sure wards are up outside the house along with baby proofing the house more than it already was. The one thing that didn't change was how much they missed James and Lily, Peter had been caught a couple days after Halloween and was in Azkaban for what he did. Dumbledore had given up trying to get Harry after a couple of weeks, realising that he wouldn't be able to get custody of him because of James and Lily's wills specifically saying Harry was to go to Sirius and Remus. McGonagall had visited them a few times, bringing clothes or toys or books for Harry every time she did. The couple had also set up many play dates with Molly Weasley, and her four youngest children, and Augusta Longbottom, and her grandson Neville, so Harry wouldn't feel alone.

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