Chapter Fourteen

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Harry sits with his friends as they discuss their first flying lesson that is happening Thursday "You'll be fine Mione, Padfoot has already taught you the basics." Harry reassures Hermione for the fifth time that morning. "I guess, I just don't like heights." Hermione sighs. "You don't have to go too high, Hooch won't make anyone do that if they're not comfortable." Ron tells her. Hermione nods "Hey, if you get too worried let one of us know. We'll help you." Harry smiles. "Thanks Harry." Hermione smiles. Just then the post arrives, a rather large black eagle owl landing in front of Harry with a letter in it's beak and a parcel in its claws "Thanks Noir." Harry smiles, giving the owl a bit of sausage. Noir gently nibbles Harry's ear before flying off once again "Who's it from?" Matty asks. "Padfoot and Moony." harry smiles, opening the letter.

The weekend was fine, pup, it went as well as it can. Moony may not admit it but he's proud of you pranking Snivellus. Padfoot! Don't call him that, he's Harry's Professor. What ever you say Moons. We're glad you're enjoying your classes Harry, you know where to find help if you need it. As for Professor Snape, they to ignore him and keep to yourself while in class. He's not saying anything about out of class though, go wild.
We've sent everyone's favourite sweets and chocolate, make sure to share it out. If you need anything else, let us know. Make sure not to eat it all at once, we don't want you becoming ill because you've had too much sugar. This is why Moony is the mother of the household. At least I'm responsible. Ha, what's your next joke Moons? Harry, am I responsible? No. I'm asking Harry, Pads, not you.
    We're holding a Christmas party this year Harry, the Weasley's and Granger's have already been invited. As well as Neville and his Grandmother, and, of course, Minnie. Is there anyone you want to invite? Maybe Eliza, Matty and their Mother? As well as any other friends you've made.
    We'll see you soon Cub. We miss you all too.
    Padfoot and Moony

Harry smiles and refolds the letter, making note to write back to them after classes finish. A barn owl drops a small package in Neville's lap from his grandmother, making him open it excitedly. Smiling he shows it to his friends a glass ball the size of a large marble, which seems to be full of white smoke "It's a Remembrall! Gran knows I forget things - this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this and if it turns red - oh... you've forgotten something..." he trails off as the Remembrall turns red. Eliza smiles lightly "You've forgotten your robe, Nev." she tells him kindly. "Oh, thanks Eliza." Neville smiles. Just then, Malfoy walks over and snatches the Remembrall out of Nevilles hands. Harry, Ron and Matty immediately jump up, ready to fight, but stop when McGongagall suddenly appears "What's going on?" she asks. "Malfoy's got my Remembrall, Professor." Neville explains. Scowling, Malfoy drops the Remembrall back on the table. "Just looking." he says, walking away with Crabbe and Goyle behind him. Harry, Ron and Matty sit back down "You shouldn't let him rile you up." Hermione tells them. "We know." Matty sighs. "I just hate bullies, you know that 'Mione." Harry tells her. "I know but you can't fight someone just because they're a bully, you havent to be smarter than that." Hermione smiles softly. Harry sighs "Yeah, okay." he nods.

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