Chapter Three

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Harry wake up to a wet nose snuffling in his ear "Padfoot!" he exclaims, shoving the black dog off him. Sirius transform backs so he's sat on the end of Harry's bed, laughing "Morning Prongslette, Happy Birthday." he grins. "It's my birthday!" Harry exclaims, jumping out of bed and landing on his butt as his feet get caught in his blankets. Sirius laughs and helps him up, watching the now eleven year old run down the stairs. "Careful not to trip." Remus tells Harry. "He's already don't that today Moons." Sirius laughs, kissing his husband. Harry sticks his tongue out at Sirius who does it back "Sometimes I wonder if I'm living with two kids." Remus teases. "Moony, how dare you insinuate such a thing!" Sirius gasps, putting a hand to his chest. "Mhm. Happy Birthday Harry." Remus smiles, turning to Harry. "Thanks Moony." Harry grins as Remus puts a plate of food in front of him. "Where's mine?" Sirius asks. "In the kitchen." Remus responds, sitting down. Sirius goes to get his wand out "Don't you dare." Remus tells him. "Fine." Sirius says, getting up and walking into the kitchen to get his food as Harry laughs. "What time are we meeting the Granger's and Weasley's?" Remus asks Sirius. "Ten, outside the Leaky Cauldron. The Alley entrance not the muggle one." Sirius responds walking back in. Remus looks at his watch "Go get ready after breakfast Harry. Then you can open your presents before we leave." he tells their godson/nephew. "Okay Moony." Harry says, shoving some sausage in his mouth.

As they eat an owl flies in, landing in front of Harry with a letter, taking it Harry gives the owl a hit of sausage before it flies off "It's my Hogwarts letter!" Harry grins. "Open it then." Sirius smiles.

" Sirius smiles

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Harry grins and hands Remus the letter so he has the list of supplies he needs, picking up the envelope he finds an extra note: Harry,I hope you have an amazing birthday, I sent your present to Remus and Sirius a couple days ago to ensure it arriv...

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Harry grins and hands Remus the letter so he has the list of supplies he needs, picking up the envelope he finds an extra note:
I hope you have an amazing birthday, I sent your present to Remus and Sirius a couple days ago to ensure it arrived on time. I look forward to seeing you September First.
Best Wishes,
"It's from Minnie, wishing me 'an amazing birthday'." Harry smiles. "Make sure you send her a letter later thanking her for the presents." Remus tells him. "I will." Harry nods.

Once eaten and changed, Harry runs into the living room "Where's the fire Bambi?" Remus asks, referencing the Disney movie Hermione had brought round when they were young "I thought I asked you and Padfoot to stop calling me that?" Harry whines. "When do we listen?...Bambi." Sirius grins, walking in and handing Remus a cup of coffee. Harry pouts but sits down in front of his pile of presents "The one wrapped in brown is from Minnie." Remus tells the eleven year old who nods. Opening them Harry finds some books, a new leather jacket and some chocolate from Sirius and Remus, along with a box of shortbread and a new jumper from Minnie "Thank guys." Harry smiles. "We're also going to let you pick an owl and possibly another more...playful pet when we're at Diagon Alley." Sirius tells him. Harry jumps up and hugs his Uncles/Godfathers "Thank you!" he grins. "You're very welcome Harry. Now, go get your shoes on so we can go." Remus smiles. "You don't think we've gone a bit overboard with the two pets?" Sirius whispers. "Technically one of them is from...Lils and Prongs." Emus whispers back making his husband nod with a sad smile. Remus runs a hand through Sirius' hair "Come on, don't want to keep Prongslette waiting." he tells him, getting up.

Arriving at Diagon Alley, Harry bounces on the ball of his feet as they wait for the Granger's and Weasley's "Harry!" Hermione shouts as she runs over. "Hermione!" Harry grins, running to meet her. The two of them hug as they reach each other "Happy Birthday!" Hermione exclaims. "Thanks Hermione. Come on, we're meeting Ron and his family over here." Harry smiles. "I got you a present, you can open it now if you want." Hermione tells Harry. "Thanks Hermione." Harry tells her, taking the present from her. "Hey Hermione." Sirius smiles. "Hi Padfoot. Hi Moony." Hermione smiles at the adults. "Where are your parents?" Remus asks. "They've gone to get some money changed at Gringotts, they said they'd meet us here." Hermione explains making him nod. "Padfoot, Moony, can I open the present Hermione got me?" Harry asks. "Go for it Prongslette." Sirius nods. Harry smiles and opens the parcel "The Complete Collection of the Narnia Chronicles! Thanks Hermione!" he tells his friend, hugging her. "You're welcome Harry." Hermione smiles. "Here, I'll put it in my pocket to keep it safe." Remus suggests, Harry passing the book to him.

As they stand there the Weasley family minus Arthur, Charlie and Bill arrive "Happy Birthday Harry!" Ron grins, giving Harry a hug. "Thanks Ron." Harry smiles. "Here's your present, Fred, George, Ginny, Percy and I all saved up to get it for you as a joint present ." Ron tells him. Harry takes it and looks to Remus who nods, making him open it "Awesome! Thanks guys" Harry exclaims as he sees a updated copy of Quidditch Through the Ages. "Happy Birthday Harry." George and Fred tell him. "Thank guys." Harry smiles. Molly hugs Harry "Harry dear, Happy Birthday. Bill and Charlie sent these for us to give you." she smiles. "Thank you Molly." Harry smiles, taking two packages from her as Remus puts the second book in his pocket. Harry gives Remus and Sirius another look "Go ahead Harry." Sirius tells him. Harry opens Bill's first finding a small model of a pyramid with small Sphinx's prowling the edge "Awesome." Harry smiles, passing it to Hermione and Ron to look at. Opening the present Harry finds a chain with a dragon scale connected to it "This is so cool." he smiles, putting it on. Remus reads the note over Harry's shoulder "It's from an Antipodean Opaleye." he tells Harry. Just then the Granger's walk over "Happy Birthday Harry." they tell him. "Thank you." Harry smiles. "Why don't Remus and I take Harry and the others to get their robes? Don't argue Molly, we're getting them new robes." Sirius suggests. Molly gives Sirius a look before sighing "Thank you Sirius, you too Remus." she tells them. "We can go and get the books, meet you outside the wand shop after." Wendell suggests. "Sounds like a plan." Remus nods. "Kids, be good for Remus and Sirius. Ginny you come with us to help us please." Molly tells her children. "Yes mum." they respond, Ginny nodding and staying next to her mum as the others go off with Sirius and Remus.

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