Chapter Ten

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The Gryffindor first years follow Percy out of the Great Hall and up the marble staircase, Harry and his friends smiling as they walks past all the moving paintings. They all come to a stop when they find a bundle of walking sticks floating in midair ahead of them, Percy takes a step towards them and they start throwing themselves at him "Peeves, a poltergeist." Percy tells the first years before turning to the walking sticks "Peeves, show yourself." he orders. A loud raspberry is blown back in response "Do you want me to go to the Bloody Baron?" Percy threatens. There's a pop and a little man with dark eyes and a wide mouth appears, floating cross legged in the air while clutching the walking sticks "Oooooooh! Ickle Firsties! What fun!" he cackles, suddenly swooping at them. "Go away, Peeves, or the Baron'll hear about this, I mean it!" Percy glares as everyone ducks. Peeves sticks his tongue out and vanishes, dropping all the walking sticks on Neville's head "You want to watch out for Peeves. The Bloody Baron's the only one who can control him, he won't even listen to us prefects. Here we are." Percy tells them all as they reach a painting of a fat lady in a silky pink dress. "Password?" she asks. "Caput Draconis." Percy responds, the portrait swing forward to reveal a round hole in the wall.

Everyone clambers in, finding themselves in the Gryffindor common room "Girls, your dorms are to the left. Boys, yours are to the right. Breakfast is between 7:30 and 9 on weekdays and 7:30 and 10 on weekends. Any other questions come and find me or one of the other prefects." Percy tells them before walking off. Harry turns to the others "We all better get a good nights sleep for tomorrow. We'll meet you four here at 7:30 so we can all head to breakfast together." Hermione tells the boys. "Sounds like a plan." Harry nods. "Night boys." Hermione and Eliza tell them. "Night." they respond, heading to their dormitory. Walking in they find six four poster beds, hung with red velvet curtains "Woah." they grin, heading to their beds and getting changed. They all fall into bed, too tired to stay up any longer "Great food, isn't it? Get off, Scabbers! He's chewing my sheets." Ron says, the others chuckling before falling asleep.

The next morning, the boys wake up and quickly get dressed before meeting the girls in the Common Room "Morning." they smile. "Morning." the boys respond, Ron yawning slightly. They all head down to the Great Hall and sit down to eat "I wonder what lesson we'll have first." Hermione says as they begin to eat. "Don't know, Minnie should bring the schedules round soon." Harry responds, dishing himself some food. As they all eat, McGongall walks along the table handing out everyone's timetables "Thank you Minnie." Harry grins. "I'll see you for fourth period. Make sure not to be late." McGonagall smiles.

Hermione gets to work on memorising their timetable as they all finishing eating "We've got double Herbology first

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Hermione gets to work on memorising their timetable as they all finishing eating "We've got double Herbology first." she tells the others. "Where's that?" Matty asks. "Lower East corridor, Moony let me know where the classrooms would be." Harry responds. As he says that the Weasley twins sit either side of him "We made an agreement with Padfoot and Moony." Fred starts. "That when you started school we'd pass something on to you." George continues. "Come find us at lunch." they finish together, getting up and walking off. "What was that about?" Ron asks, watching his brothers walk off. "No idea." Harry shakes his head in confusion.

After Herbology and Defence, the five friends walk to Tansfiguration. They all sit together and listen to Professor McGonagall talk "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts, anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." she tells the class. Harry watches in amazement as she transfigures her desk into a pig and back again, freezing when he sees a picture framed on her desk. Harry immediately goes red, making the others turn to him as they are handed matchsticks "What's wrong?" Ron asks. "Minnie has a picture I drew her when I was three on her desk." Harry mumbles. McGonagall hears them and smiles slightly as she looks at them "Okay everyone, write up the notes and we'll start working on turning the matchsticks into needles." she tells the class. By the end of the lesson, only Hermione and Matty had made any difference to their matchsticks. McGonagall smiles and gives them both ten points each, the other three smiling at their friends success.

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