Chapter Two

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Age Six
Harry and Hermione sit together on the train, looking out the window as they travel to St Ottery Catchpole with Wendell, Monica, Sirius and Remus to see Ron and his family for Christmas "Bill is the eldest, he's 16 now and is in his O.W.Ls year. Charlie is next, he's just turned 14 and is in his third year. Then there's Percy who's 10 nearly 11, he's starting Hogwarts in September. The others you've already met." Harry tells Hermione. "I can't wait to see their house. Ginny said that they have a clock that tells them where everyone is!" Hermione smiles. Harry nods "They also have a ghoul in the attic, but he stays up there making noise every now and then." he smiles. "Harry, Hermione, time to get off the train." Remus tells them. "Okay Moony." they respond, jumping off their seats and holding hands as they get off the train. They walk along the station keeping hold of each other, Harry also holding Sirius' hand as Hermione holds Monica's "We've got a little bit of a walk but too much." Remus tells Wendell and Monica. "I'm glad you were able to help with the bag." Wendell says, patting his pocket where Remus had shrunk the bags so they were easier to deal with. "Happy to help." Remus responds. "Padfoot." Harry starts. "Prongslette." Sirius responds. "Can we play quidditch with the others tomorrow?" Harry asks. "As long as Bill and Charlie are alright with it." Sirius responds. "Yes!" Harry grins. "I'll keep score, I'm still not too sure on flying." Hermione tells him. "Okay, I can always help you with just flying later on if you want." Harry responds. "Thank you Harry." Hermione responds.

They reach the Burrow with in the hour and Hermione smiles "It's so pretty here!" she tells Harry. "Harry! Hermione!" Ron shouts running out. "Ron!" they respond running to meet him. "Come on, I'll take you to see mum first." Ron tells everyone, leading them inside. "Remus, Sirius, Wendell, Monica, I so happy you all said yes to joining us for Christmas." Molly smiles. "We were happy to accept Molly, as long as you let us help you with the food tomorrow." Remus tells her. "If you insist." Molly nods. Just then Bill and Charlie walk into the living room "Bill! Charlie!" Harry smiles running over and tackling the teens to the floor. "Hey Buddy." Charlie smiles. "You alright Harry?" Bill asks. "Uh Huh, Hermione has come aswell. Come on, I'll introduce you." Harry responds, pulling them over "Hermione, this is Bill and Charlie. Bill, Charlie, this is Hermione one of my best friends." he introduces. "Nice to finally meet you." Hermione smiles. "You too Hermione." Bill tells her. "Harry has told us about you in his letters. So has Ron, Ginny and the twins." Charlie smiles. Hermione blushes but smiles as Harry glares at the eldest Weasley brothers "Guys!" he whines. "Come on, we'll give you the grand tour." Bill tells Hermione with a smile.

Age Seven
Harry and Hermione laugh as they watch Remus chase Padfoot round the house "Padfoot, get back here!" Remus exclaims. Padfoot barks excitedly and jumps onto the sofa next to the laughing seven year olds, transforming back "Yes Moony, my love?" Sirius smiles. Remus glares "You've tracked mud all through the house!" he scolds. "Oops?" Sirius responds. Remus sighs and pulls out his wand, using it to clean up the mess Sirius created "I'm very sorry Moony." Sirius tells him with a pout. "Yes yes, you can it the pout away Sirius." Remus rolls his eyes. Harry and Hermione giggle "Come on you two, we should be getting you to the school fete." Sirius tells them. The two of them nod and run to get their shoes on before waiting by the door for Remus and Sirius "Come on!" Harry calls. "We're coming Prongslette." Sirius chuckles, walking over to the door with Remus. Grabbing their hands, Remus and Sirius take Harry and Hermione along to the school for the fete "They've got a tombola." Hermione smiles. Remus hands the two seven years some coins each "Go on, but stick together. If you need us we'll be by the cafe stand." he tells them. "Thank you Moony." they respond before going off together. "Let's go to the tombola." Hermione suggests. Harry nods and follows her over to the stall "Two goes please." Hermione tells the stall vendor.

The two friends finish going to each stall before heading to the cafe stand to find Remus and Sirius "Hey you two. You finished looking round?" Remus asks. "Yeah, Hermione won a new stuffie and I got some sweets." Harry responds. "Nice going you two. Do you want a cake each before we go?" Sirius asks. "Yes please." the two of them respond. Sirius nods and goes over to the vendor, getting two slices of chocolate cake and two cups of orange squash for the seven year olds. Walking back over he puts them on the table in front of the two of them "Thanks Padfoot." they smile, taking a bite of their cakes. "No problem." Sirius smiles. The two seven year olds quickly finish their cakes and squash at was fast." Remus chuckles. "It was cake." Harry shrugs making Remus and Sirius chuckle. "You two ready to go or do you want to have another look round?" Remus asks. "I'm finished." Harry tells him. "Me too." Hermione nods. "Come on then." Sirius nods, standing up and putting his hand out. Harry takes Sirius' hand as Hermione takes Remus', the two seven year olds holding hands aswell.

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