Chapter Eleven

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Harry and the others head to lunch, finding Fred and George waiting for them "What you got?" Ron immediately asks. "After we've eaten." Fred starts. "We don't want anyone seeing." George finishes. The five friends look at each other in confusion but shrug, beginning to dish themselves up some lunch. After they've eaten, the five friends follow the twins to an empty classroom "So? What is it?" Matty asks. Fred pulls out an old piece of parchment "Is that what I think it is?!" Harry asks excitedly. "Yep." the twins respond with grins on their faces. "What is it Harry?" Eliza asks. "It's the Marauder's Map." Harry smiles, taking the parchment and putting it on a table. He pulls his out his wand and points it at the centre of the parchment "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." he says. His friends eyes widening as writing appears acorns the map "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, are proud to present the Marauders Map." Hermione reads out. "Moony and Padfoot... This was created by Remus and Sirius?" Ron asks. "Them, my Dad and... Pettigrew." Harry nods, spitting Peter's name.

"What does it do?" Eliza asks. "It shows where everyone is in the castle." Harry explains. "Where they are." Fred starts. "What they're doing." George continues. "Every minute-" Fred adds. "-of everyday." George finishes.  "This is amazing!" Matty exclaims, looking at the map as it shows everyone moving around. Harry smiles "I'm still going to let you use this, you can keep it with your til you learn it all. I don't think we're going to need it, if we do we can come get it from you." he tells the twins who smile. "How do you hide it again?" Eliza asks. Harry points his wand at it "Mischief Managed." he says, making the map disappear. "The magic is so advanced." Eliza remarks as Harry refolds it and hands it to George. "Moony and Dad worked on the speed work while Padfoot worked on the information it would need." Harry explains. "We better be heading to class, we'll see you later." the twins tell them. "Bye." the five friends respond before heading to class themselves.

On Friday the five friends sit together at breakfast, happy that they finally found their way there without getting lost "What have we got today?" Harry asks. "Double Potions with the Slytherins and Snape's Head of Slytherin House. They say he always favors them, we'll be able to see if it's true." Ron responds. "Wish Minnie favored us." Harry sighs, remembering the huge pile of homework shed given them the day before. Just then the mail arrived, a bright red letter being dropped in front of Harry "Oh no." he groans. Ron, Hermione, Matty and Eliza look at the letter and laugh when they realise what is about to happen "Just open it Harry." Hermione giggles. Harry sighs and pick it up, opening it "'HARRY JAMES POTTER! HOW DARE YOU NOT WRITE US A LETTER TO TELL US YOU GOT INTO GRYFFINDOR! MOONY AND I ARE HEART BROKEN!' 'Pads, do your really have to send him a Howl-' 'I CAN'T BELIEVE OUT OWN NEPHEW HAS ALREADY FORGOTTEN ABOUT US! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US PRONGSLETTE?! I BET HERMIONE AND RON HAVE ALREADY WRITTEN HOME TO THEIR FAMILIES!' 'Harry, I tried to stop him but you know what he's li-' 'I FEEL SO BETRAYED!' 'Hope you're having a good time at Hogwarts Harry.' 'I'M GOING TO DIE FROM A BROKEN HEART!' 'Calm down Sirius!' 'NOW YOU'RE USING MY ACTUAL NAME!' 'For God sakes. We love you Harry, I need to go deal with Padfoot.' 'OH, NOW YOU USE MY NICKNAME!'" Sirius and Remus' voice announce into the Great Hall.

Harry goes red in the face and face plants the table as the letter rips into pieces "Can the ground open up and swallow me?" he groans. "It could be worse." Matty tells him. "How? How could it be worse?" Harry asks. "You could have been in actual trouble." Eliza points out. "I guess." Harry sighs, sitting up right. "You better write to them tonight, knowing Padfoot he'll send another Howler." Hermione smiles. "I'll write one after potions." Harry nods, running a hand through his hair. "If it's any consolation Harry, Sirius asked Remus out with a Howler when they were here." McGonagall tells Harry as she walks past. Harry grins to himself as he nods, trying to remember the information for later.

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