Chapter Five

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Harry wakes up September first to Kiki nibbling his ear "Morning Kiki." he yawns making the kitten mew. "Harry, you up?" Sirius calls from outside his bedroom door. "Yeah, I'll get dressed and come down." Harry calls back, sitting up. Climbing out of bed Harry gets dressed before heading downstairs with Kiki in one arm and Hedwig in her cage in the other, his trunk already being downstairs from last night. "Morning." he greets. "Morning Prongslette, you ready for Hogwarts?" Sirius smiles. "Definitely." Harry smiles. Remus smiles and puts a plate of food in front of the boy "Eat up Harry." he tells him. Harry nods and starts eating his food, giving Kiki a small bit of sausage as a treat "You sure you have everything?" Remus asks. "Moony, you're packed his trunk with him twice last night. Besides anything he's forgotten we can send to him." Sirius assures Remus who nods. Harry smiles and finishes his breakfast "I'll go double check my room for everything and get Kiki in her carrier." he tells them. "Good idea, don't want Remus getting any more grey hairs." Sirius winks at Harry. "Hey! I do not have grey hairs and if I do they're from being with you." Remus glares playfully. "I'm wounded Remus." Sirius pouts, putting his hand on his chest as Harry laughs.

Arriving at Kings Cross Harry looks round "Where are we meeting everyone?" he asks. "We're meeting them here, don't worry Harry we've arrived slightly early." Remus tells him. "Harry!" Hermione exclaims running over. "'Mione!" Harry smiles, meeting her half way in a hug. Wendell and Monica walk over and join Remus and Sirius with Harry and Hermione following "You looking forward to everything?" Harry asks. "Yes, I can't wait to see the castle! I've read 'Hogwarts: A History' three times already." Hermione smiles. "There's the Weasley's." Remus says, spotting the group of red heads heading over to them. "Ron!" Hermione and Harry exclaim. "Harry! 'Mione!" Ron grins. "You lot ready?" Sirius asks. "Yep." the the eleven year old respond with the twins and Percy. "Mom, can't I go..." Ginny whine as they head over to the barrier. "You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first." Molly tells her third eldest. Percy nods and runs at the barrier, disappearing "Fred, you next." Molly says. "I'm not Fred, I'm George." Fred tells her. "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?" George shakes his head. "Can't you tell I'm George?" Fred asks. "Sorry, George, dear." Molly tells Fed. "Only joking, I am Fred." Fred grins, running at the barrier, followed by George as the three eleven year olds laugh with Ginny.

"Ron you go next, followed by Harry and Hermione. We'll follow straight after." Molly smiles. "Okay mum." Ron nod, running at the barrier. Harry smiles and follows with Hermione straight behind him, the three friends stop next to the scarlet steam train with the twins "Where's Percy gone." Hermione asks. "To change into his robes." George responds. Sirius and Remus come through the barrier followed by Molly and Ginny, then Wendell and Monica "Come on, let's go get your trunks loaded on board." Remus tells them. Nodding the children follow him over to the baggage compartment, loading their trunks on followed by Hedwig "Kiki can stay with you til you get to the station." Remus tells Harry who nods in response. Molly pulls out a handkerchief "Ron, you've got something on your nose." she says, grabbing him and trying to rub his nose "Mum...geroff!" he says, wriggling free. "Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" Fred asks in a teasing voice. "Shut up." Ron glares. "Where's Percy?" Molly asks. "He's coming now." Remus assures her as he spots Percy walking over in his robes. "Can't stay long, Mother. I'm up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves-" Percy starts. "Oh, are you a prefect, Percy? You should have said something, we had no idea." Fred starts. "Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it. Once-" George continues. "Or twice-" Fred adds. "A minute-" George says. "All summer." Fred finishes. "Oh, shut up." Percy glares. "All right, dear, well, have a good term...send me an owl when you get there." Molly smiles, kissing Percy's cheek.

Percy nods and heads off as Molly turns to the twins "Now, you two this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you''ve blown up a toilet or-" she starts. "Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet." Fred tells her. "Great idea though, thanks, Mum." George grins, Sirius holding back a laugh. "It's not funny. And look after Ron, Harry and Hermione." Molly scolds. "Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us." George tells her. "Shut up." Ron grumbles. Harry looks at Remus and Sirius as teh warning whistle blows "We'll see you for Christmas." Remus tells him. "We'll send you anything that you've forgotten, along with some snacks." Sirius adds. Harry nods and hugs them "See you in a few months. I'll write to you in a few day." he tells them. "Go on then, don't want to miss the train." Remus smiles. Ginny starts crying "Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls." Fre tells her. "We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat." George jokes. "George!" Molly exclaims. "Only joking, Mum." he responds as Ginny gives a watery giggle. The five of them climb onto the train and wave out the window as the train starts leaving the station, Ginny running alongside until she got to the end of the platform.

Fre and George look at the three eleven year olds "You alright finding a compartment?" Fred asks. "Only Lee has a giant tarantula and we want to see it." George adds. Ron squirms slightly "You go ahead. We'll find somewhere to sit." Hermione smiles. "Great, see you later." the twins respond, heading off. "Come on, let's go look for a compartment." Harry says, leading his friends down the corridor. As the pay look for a compartment they spot Eliza and Matty in a compartment alone "Hey Eliza, Matty, you alright if we sit with you? Everywhere seems to be full." Harry asks. "Of course not, come one in." Eliza smiles. "Oh, we didn't get a chance to introduce you at Diagon. Ron, this is Matty and Eliza. They went to the same muggle school as Hermione and I, became our best friends there. Matty, Eliza, this is Ron. He's been friends with me since I was one." Harry introduces. Eliza and Matty smile "Nice to meet you." they tell him. "You too." Ron says as they sit down. "Who's cat is that?" Eliza asks, looking at the carrier. "Mine, Padfoot and Moony got me her for my birthday...well technically it's from my mum and dad as they used their money for her. Her name's Kiki." Harry explains, getting Kiki out her carrier. Kiki mews and cuddles into Harry "Aw, she's so cute!" Eliza smiles. "Careful Hare, Eli might try stealing her." Matty jokes. Harry laughs as Eliza lets Kiki "Can I hold her Harry?" she asks. "Sure." Harry nods, passing Kiki over to Eliza.

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