Chapter Eighteen

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Harry sits at Gryffindor table with his friends when McGonagall walks over to them "Harry, you have a visitor in my office. You may bring Mr Weasley, Miss Granger and Mr and Miss Burns." she tells him. Harry nods, the five friends standing up and following McGonagall to her office. Walking in, Harry grins when he sees Remus and Sirius "Padfoot! Moony!" he exclaims, running over and colliding with them. "Hey Prongslette." Sirius chuckles, hugging him. "Anyone would think that you've missed us, Cub." Remus smiles, also hugging him. Hermione and Ron also hug them "What are you doing here?" Harry asks. "We wanted to bring you this." Sirius tells him, holding a long parcel. "A broom!" Harry smiles, taking the parcel. "Well go on and open it." Remus says. Harry looks at his friends, the five of them opening it together as the three adults smile. Harry, Ron and Matty stare at the broom in wonder and awe "It's a Nimbus 2000!" Harry exclaims. "It's the fastest broom there is!" Matty grins. "We're definitely beating Slytherin in our first match!" Ron tells them excitedly. "Thank you Padfoot, thank you Moony." Harry smiles, hugging his Uncles. "We expect to hear you've been training properly, Prongslette." Sirius smiles. "I will." Harry nods. "We'll be coming to your first match, Cub." Remus tells him. "First of many." Sirius corrects, already knowing he will be at every one of Harry's matches.

That evening, Harry heads down to the Quidditch pitch and starts testing out his new broom as he waits for Wood "Hey, Potter, come down!" Wood soon calls, Harry seeing him with the Quidditch crate. Flying down, Harry lands next to him  "Very nice, I see what McGonagall meant... you really are a natural. I'm just going to run you through a few training tasks to see how good you are. After that, you'll be joining team practice three times a week." Wood explains. Harry nods "Now, how well do you know Quidditch?" Wood asks. "I've grown up playing it. Seven players over all. Three chasers who throw the Quaffle to each other to try and get it through one of the hoops to score a goal. Ten points every time the Quaffle goes through one of the hoops. A keeper who flies around the hoops to stop the other team from scoring. Two Beaters on each team to protect their side from the Bludgers and try and knock them toward the other team. Then the Seeker, who has to catch the snitch before the other team's Seeker. An extra hundred and fifty points for whichever team gets the snitch." Harry responds, showing his knowledge. "Excellent, as it's getting dark we'll just practice with some golf balls instead of the snitch." Wood tells Harry.

By the end of practice, Wood is grinning at Harry's skill "That Quidditch Cup'll have our name on it this year. I wouldn't be surprised if you turn out better than Charlie Weasley, and he could have played for England if he hadn't gone off chasing dragons." he tells Harry. "My Godfather always tells me I could give my Dad and his his younger brother a run for their money, they both got awards for Quidditch and were the Captains of their house teams when they were here." Harry tells him. "Keep up the level of skill you have, and I wouldn't be surprised if you end up being Quidditch Captain when you're older." Wood tells him, making Harry smile as they walk into the Common Room. Harry's friends immediately walk over to him "How was it?" Matty asks. "Amazing, you have to try this broom out when we're next free." Harry grins.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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