Good morning!

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Scar opened his eyes but it was still dark? And he felt feathers? And then he realized. Oh. My. God.

Last night, was it real? Well it has to be because there is currently a pair of wings wrapped around him and a bundle of dirty blonde hair on his chest at the moment.

He had his legs and tail tangled with the other's legs, and hands on each other hugging tightly together.

He blushed a deeper shade of red than Grian's sweater. Of course he loved this, but what was Grian doing? This was not normal for him to do this. I mean usually Grian was annoyed by Scar and suddenly he's cuddling him and wrapping his.. wings of all things, around him!?

Scar let go of Grian, taking his hands off of him. He then sat up against the wall. Grian still was attached to Scar, but he was also still laying down, so he slid down and was basically laying his head on Scar's legs.

Grian put his wings down off of Scar, Scar assumed that they just fell off.

Scar looked down and nearly died. Grian was smiling and looking at him with a sweet look on his face. "When did you wake u-up?!" Scar said stuttering.

Grian rested his head back on Scar's lap. "At least a minute ago, figured I'd make the most of this until you noticed." Grian said shrugging it off.

Scar covered his face, he didn't know what to say. But he could feel Grian's heart beat rapidly.

Grian had to keep his cool, he couldn't let Scar know that he was basically having a heart attack from this position that they were in at the moment, I mean, who wouldn't be. It's Scar of all people that he was currently hugging.

But he could admit he liked seeing Scar so flustered, partly grateful that Scar was covering his face at the moment. He couldn't stand letting Scar seeing him like this, so red.

Grian hid his face in Scars lower stomach, and hugged him tighter.

Scar took a deep breath to cool his nerves and think. "I am currently being cuddled by Grian of all people. I can't do this. I have to get up before I malfunction." Scar thought removing his hands from his face.

Although Scar is a very touchy person, this was different. It was him and Grian wasn't usually like this.

So he attempted to get up and off the floor, but failed. As Grian's arms were securely wrapped tightly around Scar. "No, don't leave yet." Grian said firm but pouty.

He then looked back up at Scar who was obviously bright red. "Oh- uhm-, okay?" Scar managed to mutter out before Grian moved up, grabbed Scar's shoulders, and pulled him back down to cuddle.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod" was Scar's thought process the whole time. But he was enjoying it throughout the time.

Grian wrapped his wings back around them engulfing them whole.
//Grian's wingspan would be around 19-20 feet across (I think?)//

Scar took a singular deep breath calming down and hugged Grian carefully as to not touch his wings or his upper back.

Or that's what he tried to do. But he accidentally grazed his hand across Grian's wing and he shuddered, "Don't... Don't do that please." He said cringing.

Scar's eyes widened and he instantly understood. "Of course! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." Scar said.

"Uhm it's okay, just- nevermind." Grian said burying his face in Scar's chest.

Scar then just refused to talk. He didn't want to make this awkward, and he already had. And although he is so extremely talkative, he knew when to shut up (Sometimes).

Grian's Definitely-Not-His-Fault ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now