Scar learns the truth

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"WHAT!" Scar yelled, not even trying to hide his blush. Covering his mouth in shock.

Doc looked down at him and chuckled, "Aweee, don't be so flustered, it's not what you think. You see-"

//que dhar man music//

"Actually, it'd be best if you tell me what has happened so that I can't leave anything out." Doc said, crossing his arms.

Scar took a breath, transitioning into a more awkward state. "Wow- I- Uhm, o-okay so, basically, long story short, it started when Grian was outside at like midnight right, and he Looked upset so I took him to his house,"

Scar suddenly thought the floor looked interesting, recalling past events. "Well, he wanted me to stay with him and then he didn't want me to sleep on the couch so he let me sleep in his nest-"

Doc's eye widened and he started chuckling to himself, cutting Scar off he said, " Oh dear void, Scar I want you to- no, I need you to tell me this part in detail. Okay?"

Scar rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Stop cutting me off!" He thought, standing up straight."

"Okay, fine, Grian looked distracted the whole time. If that means anything. Well whatever, anyways, he acted different as soon as I got in it. Like he was both uncomfortable and defensive." He looked back at Doc.

Scar then blushed, rubbing his arms Wanting to re-gain Grian's warmth on him again. "We both fell asleep and then I woke up to sudden noises, Grian started cuddling me. Haha- it- it's kind of embarrassing to say- but uhm, I thought it was really nice."

Doc snickered under his breath and said, "Carry on, I'd like to hear everything."

"Everything?" Scar bit his lip, obviously referring to bring embarrassed about it. "Everything." Doc smirked, "what's up? Why are you nervous, did you to do anyth-" "NO!" Scar interrupted, "N-no not like that."

Doc doubled over in laughter. "Obviously, but that would be none of my business anyways, so whatever." He said between gasps for air.

Scar mentally face palmed and looked away from Doc. Scar bit his lip once again and took a deep breath. "He cuddled into my back and then he put his wings around me which you know how reserved he is about his wings."

Doc smirked, "hmm, well it seems we definitely have a case of a mating season on our hands. He probably considers you a potential mate weather he likes it or not." He then looked over to the living room. "Shall we drink some tea and wait for him to wake up?"

Scar nodded, he was about the color of Grian's sweater by now and he wanted to get this conversation over with.

He then half walked half jogged over to the kitchen to find some tea herbs and boil some water. He found where Grian stored his herbs. They were right by the drawer of seeds.

He smiled at this, of course Grian would have seeds in a drawer. Who else would. He thought, but remembering that night, he needed to distract himself. Or else he would     parish a flustered mess. So he put the water on to boil. Hopefully this would settle his thoughts.

Doc sat down on the living room sofa and played with his fur. He always found it funny how those two never found out about both of them liking each other. It was always so funny watching them both pinning over each other with out either one realizing.

Now it's finally Grian's mating season and he's gone and found himself a mate. Of course it just so happened to be Scar.

He looked up at the high ceilings and then letting his eyes wander towards  the tall, unique pillars holding them up. He couldn't help but give Grian some praise once he's in his right mind. His buildings were always beautiful.

But then again, so were Scar's. They both had amazing builds. It's a match made in heaven. He then looked over towards Scar, "how long do you think it'll take?" Doc half yelled towards Scar. "About 30 minutes! Do you think you will wait that long?" Scar replied shortly. "I can wait! I don't see why I couldn't, I don't have any plans today!" Doc yelled back.

Scar jogged back in the room and sat down next to Doc. "Should we just look after Grian when he wakes up?" Scar suggested calmly, looking in the direction of Grian's bedroom.

Doc shrugged and said, "I think I should call X. He needs to know if one of his players has started their mating season." He looked out the window, watching the grass sway with the wind.

Scar nodded twice, "You're right. Go ahead I suppose." He said still trying to drown out last night's happenings. But he just couldn't.

It was almost like he could still almost smell the cinnamon and rose scent coming off of Grian's hair as he threaded through it with his fingers.

Doc saw how distant Scar looked but decided not to comment on it. He decided to just send X a message and leave it there. So he lifted his arm to see the screen built into it when he saw the one and only Grian online.

If Grian were asleep, it would show a moon symbol next to his name. but there was a bright green circle next to it instead? He dismissed it for a minute so he could send X a message. He will deal with Grian later.

Doc started typing,

<Docm77>- X, Grian is in mating season at this moment. But what is funny is that he has chosen Scar as a mate LOL. We need you over here. We're at Grian's base.

<Xisuma>- Doc! That's hilarious! I'll be over in 5!

Xisuma put on his elytra and jumped out of his base. "Time to go see the neighborhood parrot!" He whispered, he wanted to see if he was safe. Knowing Grian, he probably was buzzing all over the place.

Word count: 1066 words

Well, it's been a while! Haha. Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait. Sorry. I wasn't in a good place. After my mother's surgery it was kinda hard. She's still healing, but what's funny is that I also broke my ankle. Anyways, the next chapter should be out soon. See ya later.

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