Surprise Adopted

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"Hey Mr.Stark," Peter said coming hom.... to the tower later than usual.

"Where have you been?" Tony hollers alerting the others that someone else was there.

"Sorry Mr.Stark, I got surprise adopted," Peter tried to explain.

"Surprise adopted?" Clint asked turning the corner to see a teenager and Tony.

"Oh hello Mr.Barton," Peter said holding his hand out to shake Clint's. 

"Surprise adopted?" Tony whispered to himself trying to figure out what the hell that means.

"Guys come meet Peter!" Clint yelled to the others, after realizing this was the kid Tony never shut up about.

"Tony's son?" Natasha asked as she walked into the kitchen being followed by everyone else.

"Hi, I'm Peter," Peter said with a smile, waving at everyone. 

"Wait, Peter, You Were Kidnapped!" Tony yelled finally realizing what Peter meant by surprise adoption.

"Don't worry Mr.Stark, It wasn't the first time that happened, They always let me go," Peter says.

"You've been kidnapped before?" Steve asks.

"Yes, Mr. Roger, I've been kidnapped 60 times in the past year," Peter said smiling proudly.

"DO WHAT??!!" Tony yelled.

"Don't worry Mr.Stark I was only hurt 55 out of the 60 times," Peter tried to reassure.

"55 out of the 60?" Clint asked shocked by the teen.

"And only 30 of the 60 were as Spider-Man," Peter said trying to make Tony less mad.


"You're Spider-Man?"

"Only half of the time, you were kidnapped as Spider-Man?" Peter started getting nervous at all the attention he was getting.

"Kid?" Tony asked concerned by the sudden paleness in Peter's face.

"I'm okay, I'm just starting to think that whatever poison they gave me is kicking in," Peter said starting to lose balance while standing up. Tony and Clint catch him before he falls. Tony immediately runs down to the med bay with Peter in his arms.

"Bruce! Cho! I need help Now!" Tony yelled. The two run straight to him and see the sick-looking kid in his arms.

"What the hell happened?" Bruce asks a panicking Tony Stark.

"Apparently he was kidnapped and they poisoned him before letting him go," Tony summarized while holding Peter's hand as Bruce and Cho try to check on the boy.

"Tony you need to go," Cho told him.

"No, I'm not leaving him," Tony told them.

"Now!" Bruce yelled hoping to scare Tony enough to where he'd leave.

"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING MY SON!" Tony yelled back. The two doctor's eyes went wide. Everyone knew about Peter, they all knew that Tony thought of him like a son, but Tony always denied it. They were shocked to see how much he really did care for the boy.

"Tony, I'm sorry, I really am," Bruce apologized.

"For what?" Tony asked looking away from Peter for a moment.

"This," Bruce said as he injected Tony with a syringe. 

"Damn you," Tony said before passing out. Bruce called in one of the other doctors to get Tony out as he and Cho worked to keep Peter alive.

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