Trans Peter 2

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Peter's pov

I wake up before my alarm goes off. I can't move because Pietro was cuddling with me and I didn't want to wake him up. I slowly shift out of his arms. I grab my binder and my clothes for today, and I head to my bathroom. My stomach is almost back to its normal color. Oh crap, I promised to tell Pietro. I hurry up and put on my clothes. I walk back into my room to see Pietro sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Hey baby," I say. 

"Hey, my prince, I thought you left already," he says sadly. 

"Awe, I'm sorry, I was just getting dressed my love," I say as I walk over to him and kiss him gently. 

"Babe, when are you gonna tell me what happened?" He asks. I could tell he was worried. 

"I promise I'll tell you tonight, but seeing that I'm up earlier, do you want to have fun," I say smirking.

We climb through the vents heading towards Tony's room. We both look down to see Tony cuddled up in Steve's arms. I take a blackmail picture. Pietro helps me quietly open the paint bucket. I lower myself into Tony's room, using my abilities I stick to the ceiling, Pietro hands me the paint bucket. I open the dresser and pour paint all over both of their clothes. I hand the bucket back to Pietro who then lifts me out of their room. (What did you think was gonna happen?)

We crawl back into my room trying hard not to laugh while being in the vents. 

"They are gonna hate us," I laugh. 

"Oh crap, I gotta go, love you SugarPlum," I say giving Pietro a kiss goodbye, grabbing my backpack, and jumping out my window. 

"Hey you promised to stop jumping out windows," I hear Pietro yell.

I get to school just in time to catch the bus. 

"Hey Penny, you ready for everyone to realize that you're a liar?" Flash asks smugly. I ignore him. Ned and MJ both come over to me immediately noticing my almost-healed black eye. 

"Peter," I hear MJ say obviously knowing what happened.

"I'm fine, Wanda knows and is telling everyone this morning at breakfast, I also came out," I say. 

"That's great," Ned says. 

"Oh, and my boyfriend got back yesterday," I say. MJ looks at me.

"You know that Flash is definitely dead now," they say. 

"I'm just gonna hope that he doesn't start his shit," I say. In the back of my head, I hear


We load onto the bus and we make our way to Stark Towers. Flash kept throwing paper wads at the back of my head. My spider sense was going off every time, causing me to start to have a small sensory discomfort. When we pull up to the tower, everyone, except Mj, because they are badass, was in awe. We shuffle out of the bus, but Flash trips me when I walk past him. 

"Watch out, Penny," he says with spite. I get back up and stand in the back of the crowd.

Pietro's Pov

Peter just left when I heard that Wanda called a meeting. I hurry downstairs. 

"Hey, where's Peter?" Nat asks. 

"He already left, " I say. I hear Tony yell. 

"Who the hell put paint all over my clothes?" I chuckle softly. He comes barging into the room pointing his finger at me. 

"You and your boyfriend are dead," I hear him say. I liked when he referred to Peter as my boyfriend. 

"Where is he?" Stark asks. 

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