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Body by Jordan Suaste 

Not All Men by Morgan St. Jean

Control- Zoe Wees

TW- talk of SA, Angst, Sad, (Not graphic description of what happen)

Please do not read if you think it could trigger you, I don't want anyone to take any chances. Also, I personally don't mind listening/reading to your experiences with this topic, if you have them, but I do ask that you don't comment it on the story because I know some people can handle some stuff but be triggered by other things, instead if you want you can PM me. 


Peter tossed and turned as he tried to fall asleep but failed to. This week was especially. He was frustrated and ended up throwing his pillow across the room.

"Fuck you!" He yelled to no one in particular. He covered his face with his hands as he started crying.

"I just want to sleep," He cried. He sat up in his bed before throwing his blanket off suddenly feeling extremely overstimulated. He sunk his head into his arms.

"Peter, your heart rate is really high, do you want me to alert Mr.Stark?" Friday asked.

"No! Please don't," Peter said quickly. He swung around and stepped out of bed. He put on his Iron Man slippers before walking to his desk and grabbing something.

"Friday can you turn on the footpath lights leading to the music room," Peter asked before walking out of his room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Peter walked silently as he tiptoed to the secret music room. Once he walked in, he quickly shut the door.

"Friday," Peter started but was interrupted. The lights came on.

"Room soundproofed," She told him. 

"Thank you," Peter told her before he walked over to the piano to start playing a song he wrote. He started writing songs a long time ago, and he practiced them when he could sleep None of the Avengers knew he knew that the room was even there, he'd be surprised if many of them knew the room existed. He sat down at the piano and started playing.

"I'm more than," He started singing slowly and sadly.

"I'm more than," he repeated.
"I'm more than," He drew out the last word, trying not to break down already.

"Body, let me see your body," He sang loudly, trying not to cry.

"Take off all your makeup and your clothes,"

"Trust me, why don't you just trust me?
You're the only beauty, show me more," He sang.

"You're not a dime a dozen,"

"Oh, your skin is golden,"

"Let me show the whole damn world,"

"You're one in a billion,"

"The only thing you're missin'
Is some tape over that mouth,"
"Body, I'm more than my body
You can pack your things up, buh bye, just go," His voice cracked slightly.

"Body, I'm more than my body
Don't owe you a thing, no, not at all," He sang louder.
"I'm not a toy to play with," He sang angry at the words.

"Not just a sight to see and
My mind is worth its weight in gold,"

"I'm not a dime a dozen," He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

"I know I'm worth this, more than
You will ever know,"
"Touch me, you just want to feel me," His voice cracked again.

"You just want to share me
You don't care at all,"

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