Lonely Call - Part 1 (DRC)

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I also DO NOT own the music used in this One Shot!

Time/episode:  "Let's get some answers"

MC(s): Dakota Rose Cooper

Summary and/or pre rec: Basically this is a rewriting of my version of "let's get some answers" that is the episode where Dakota releases 'Flying Solo' but in this story it's not Flying Solo, its well, you'll see😉

To understand this shot I would recommend having a general understanding of Dakota and knowing where Ryan, Dakota and Yasmins feelings were at the time (if you need a refresher Dakota helped Ryan in getting a date with Yasmin, they started dating then Dakota realizes she's caught feelings in this episode)

(Ryans POV)

Harris, Spyder, Mark and I were all in the robot, Dakota was out doing something, she didn't really tell us what other than it was important. I had felt great all day, that is after finally telling Mark, Spyder, Harris and Dakota I found out I'm adopted, and nothing changed between any of us. So all in all not a bad day. I was up in the control center running through some training simulators, hoping to actually beat Dakota in a sparing match one day, when my phone vibrated. I walked to Harris desk and read the text from Mark, telling me to come to the X-deck.

"What's up Mark?" I asked walking in to the X-deck to find Mark, Harris and Spyder all sitting in the couch, Mark with the remote to the TV in his hand.

"Have you seen this?" He asked pointing to the TV. The TV showed a paused video of Dakota sitting in front of a fire ring outside somewhere, the title of the video reading "Lonely Call - Dakota Rose"

"No, I haven't." I said reading the title of the video, "Wait is this a music video?" They all nodded, "wow thats great, I mean you guys know how much Dakotas always wanted her own music." I was so happy and proud of her but their faces said almost the opposite. "What's wrong?"

"You haven't heard the song or seen the video yet," Mark stated.

"Why, is there something wrong with it?" I asked. "It can't be that bad, it's Dakota, she's a perfectionist we all know that." No one said anything except they just continued to look at one another. "Okay guys what's up, you're starting to make me nervous."

"Just sit and watch the video." Mark said. I sunk into the spot next to him as he hit play. The video wasn't bad, it just wasn't what I was expecting, nor was the song. the whole thing led up to Dakota dumping gasoline on pictures of who was probably the same guy, while we never saw his face, then burning them, and at the end she seemed happier than before.

After the video was over all three of the guys were looking at me. 

"Yeah okay guys it's not exactly what I was expecting from her but it was in no way bad, I'm still not seeing anything wrong." I said.

"Did you even listen to the lyrics?" Mark asked.

"Yes I did." I nodded. "I thought they were good, what about them?"

"Ry, songs with that much emotion are not written about nobody," Mark began,

"Whoa, hold on!" I said, "you think that was about me?"

"Listen, we both know you and Dakota spent every minute of everyday together, then she did you a massive favor when she helped you get off on the right foot with Yasmin and now your really not around." He explained.

"So even if that is the case, you think Dakota put that whole thing together in the short amount of time Yasmin and I have actually been official?" I asked.

"Yes, I do." Spyder said. "If she put her mind to it, it doesn't seem like something she couldn't do."

"Guys I don't know." I sighed. Before any one else could say something the elevator shot into the X-deck with Dakota inside,

"So you've already seen?" She asked with a smile on her face. "What did you think?" 

"It was great." Spyder said forcing a smile like we hadn't just had that conversation we just had.

"You think so?" She asked. "I was a nervous wreck all night I was so scared because I feel like it's not what most people expect of me but so far the feedback is really positive so I'm really relieved." She stood behind the couch next to where I was sitting, obviously noticing my facial expressions. "Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, yeah, I um-" I started before looking to Mark who was giving me one of those big brother looks. "Actually, I need to talk to you about something." I said getting up.

"Oh yeah sure, of course." She said following me up to the control center. "So what's up."

"I guess, I have nothing else to say but I'm really sorry." I said. She tilted her head in confusion and asked, 

"Sorry for what? What's going on?"

"You know, the song." I said as we both sat on the stairs leading down to the control pad. She thought about what I said and then broke out laughing, leaving me confused.

"Did you think the song was about you?" She asked through laughs. 

"Yeah a little bit, is it not?" I asked. She stopped laughing as she said,

"Well it is, but not in the way you're thinking of."

"What do you mean?" I asked, still confused.

"The only part that references you, and the rest of the team for that matter is one lyric, 'looking for some peace, and I found it.'" She explained. I took a sigh of relief. 

"So wait, who was it really about?" I asked, still a little confused.

"Alex." She said.

"Alex?" I questioned. "Wait your ex-boyfriend Alex? From the Olympics?"

"Yes. My ex-boyfriend Alex." She nodded. "We broke up not long after the Olympics, Our breakup was no where near messy, it was just for the best, today we are no where near friendly, but we're just mutuals. I told him I was doing this and he had no problem with it." I was so relieved and Dakota laughed again, "did you actually think that was about you?"

"Yeah I, I- did." I said.

"Why did you think that?" She asked.

"I guess because I have been kind of absent lately, ever since Yasmin and I became official." I explained.

"Yes that's true, you have been." She began. "I have to cut you some slack. I mean you can't spend every waking minute with us now. I get it." I smiled a little bit in relief until she added, "you know we all do miss you sometimes."

"Yeah I figured as much." I admitted. "I'm going to try I promise, you know to be here more often."

"Listen I just dropped by to grab my stuff, but I've got to get back home, so I will see you later." She said getting up.

"Oh okay, yeah see you later." I said as she walked to wards the elevator. 

Why do I still feel bad?

a/n So how'd I do on my first one shot? I don't like it to much, the idea was there, the execution maybe not so much. Go to the request page to give suggestions. I really need them! 

Love you all!


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