Superman - Part 3

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(3rd Person POV)

"As mad as I am at my brother, I still love watching him play." Lucas says with a smile after the song had ended. In fact it was the first time I really had seen him smile, since the whole hour I had known him he was not happy. 

"He wrote that?" Kendall asks. "It was good." 

"Yeah, he's the bands main songwriter." He nods. "I hadn't heard that one before."

"That was the first time we ever performed 'Our Time Now' I think it went pretty well wouldn't you say?" Jack asked his band and the crowd over the microphone. "I agree, I agree." He continues after the crowds cheering had died down. "We have one more song for you all and then we are going to hand of the microphones to our last band of the night. I actually have a special guest with us tonight and she's going to play and sing with us today. All the way from South Carolina, Olympic Skateboarder, please help me welcome Dakota Rose." 

He held his hand out to the side of the stage Dakota was standing on as she walked out into the light. She pointed to her "L.A Revival" T-shirt while she fist bumped the other two guitarists and smacking the out stretched hand of the drummer before she got to the side of the stage closest to us. She still managed to work her high top vans into every outfit. 

"No way." Kendall says while we watched Dakota hug Jack and take a microphone stand from  him that he had grabbed from off stage. "There is no way."

"I didn't know she was a singer." Spyder wonders while Dakota sat up her microphone and spun the guitar that she was wearing on her back to the front so it hung in front of her instead. 

"You have no idea." She says. 

"Well... This is a first for me." She says into the microphone. "It's kinda cool though, I like it. If anyone's confused and doesn't know me, hello! My name is Dakota, I'm a professional skateboarder. But I've found that I also love music. The L.A Revival gave me this opportunity and I couldn't pass it up. Now I've only ever wrote two songs, and we are going to play of them for you today. Thank you all again for having me, I hope you enjoy my song. This is called Superman."

"No. Way." Kendall says for a second time. Now this is the first time in a while I've seen her smile.

A/N - Okay so Wattpad is fighting me and won't let me put any videos in here and I'm not having it so you just get the lyrics. Any way carry on. 

Tall, dark and Superman 

He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away

To save the world or go to work

It's the same thing to me

He's got his mother's eyes, his father's ambition

I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him

I hang on every word you say, yay

You'll smile and say "How are you?"

I'll say "Just fine"

I always forget to tell you, I love you

I love you, forever

I watch Superman fly away

You got a busy day today

Go save the world, I'll be around

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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