Preferences with da boys🤖

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Welcome to the beginning of the 'preferences' chapters. I've never tried to write these, but I've read my fair share of them so Imma give this a try. BTW I'll be writing these in she/her pronouns, I'm more than happy to make more of these if anyone wants something different.

First off ✨How you guys meet✨

Ryan (My personal favorite lol. Sorry Spyder love you the most😂 Also sorry if I used your name in this haha)


The Summer before my junior year of high school, I had gotten a job at a diner in Bay City, just looking to make some extra cash. I was working a really slow Wednesday night, it was about two hours out from closing when I went around cleaning tables that no one was at. 

My friend Mel, who was closing with me sat a group of four boys in the booth next to the one I was cleaning. I only recognized one. Both me and Mel were East Bay City High kids, and after Bay City High got blown up by the Mech-X4 robot, all the Bay City High kids got transferred to our school and there was this really smart kid transferred to my Advanced Biology class. I never had to answer another question again. Not that I minded.

"Hey (Y/N/N) can you take them for me?" Mel asks after handing out menus. "The kitchen asked for help with the take out orders. You think you can handle an extra table?"

"Oh yeah sure, I gotcha go ahead." I answered. 

"Thank you." She says before turning back to the group. "She'll be right with you guys." As I finished wiping down the table, almost without realizing I was, I was lip syncing to the diners radio that was playing Tracy Chapmans 'Fast Car'

"You got a fast car, is it fast enough so we can fly away? Still gotta make a decision, Leave tonight, to live and die this way." 

I looked up just for a second and saw one of the boys at the table also lip syncing to the song. He smiled through it when he saw me as I left my rag in the bucket of water and stepped over to their table.

"You have very good taste in music." I laughed pulling out my notepad.

"As do you." He smiles back.

"Well thank you, I'm (Y/N) and I'll be your server today, can I start you guys with drinks?"


"I am not looking forward to school starting again." Mel says to me while we cleared off a table. "It so crowded with the Bay City High kids there now."

"It not exactly their fault that their school slightly exploded because of a robot and then the guy who promised to rebuild the school, slightly died." I respond.

"Okay regardless, that was almost two years ago and their school isn't even rebuilt yet." She laughs. "Anyway, It still really crowded at school now. Speaking of Bay City kids, why is the boy at your table wearing a Bay City Varsity jacket?" 

"Yeah I was wondering the same thing." I said. "Me and the guy next him were both lip syncing to Fast Car that was on the radio when you sat them there and we both made eye contact."

"Oh thats funny." She whisper laughs. "Wait which one? The one in the sweater vest or the cute one."

"The cute one obviously." I smile.

"Okay just making sure." She chuckles picking up the tray of dishes after handing me a second one. "I'll take these back." I walked back over to the four boys table to take empty plates.

"Anything else for you guys?" I asked.

"Just four Root bear floats and then the bill when you get a minute." The boy in the Bay City jacket says.

"Of course, I'll be right back with those."


"Someone will ring you guys up at the register at the front, you guys have a good rest of your night." I passed out the root beers and left the check at the end of the table.

"Thank you." The guy I was in sync with said. I walked back to the front of the restaurant to ring up a group, as they walked out the door, Mel came from the kitchen and stood next to me at the counter.

"That one guy literally watched you walk all the way up here." She says.

"Okay and?" I asked. 

"So he either tips you a lot, leaves his number on the check, or makes some other move." She says grabbing menus for the group that just walked in. 

"You dream too much." I laughed. 

"Why not? Dreaming is fun." She smiles walking off with the next group, "Follow me folks." 

I stayed at the counter waiting, as the group of four boys got up and walked towards the register.

"How was everything today guys?" I asked. 

"Good thank you." The same boy handed me the check. I went to get change out of the register but he said, "Oh don't worry about it, keep the rest of it."

"Really? Oh thank you, I appreciate it." I say, "Have a good rest of your night guys."

"You too thank you." He said, leading his group out the door. I started to count out the cash that I had to put in the register, only to find they left me a twenty dollar tip. Most groups of teenagers that come in don't tip at all, so getting a twenty was unexpected. I ran the transaction and was going to put the check in the slot in the register, before noticing hand writing on it that wasn't mine. 

619-623-5325 -Ryan

A/N - Btw I made that phone number up completely 

The one guys phone number. I snapped a picture of it on my phone before putting it with the rest of the run checks, nodding to Mel from across the room.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Twenty dollar tip, and a phone number." I said holding up the twenty.

"Both!" She says, surprised. "Oh that, boy is a keeper. Did he leave his name?


A/N - Spyder, Mark and Harris coming soon!

Mech-X4 One Shots (Mainly OCs and/or y/n and a few preferences)Where stories live. Discover now